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MSF response to malaria outbreak in Zamfara State, Nigeria
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Each year, malaria kills around 600,000 people. 80 per cent of all deaths are children under five years of age.

The disease is easy enough to treat, but access to the most effective treatments remains inadequate. Over 95 per cent of all malaria deaths occur on the African continent. Impregnated mosquito nets are expensive and out of reach for many. The parasite which causes malaria is beginning to show resistance in parts of Asia to the most effective drug we have. And there are no new drugs in the development pipeline, meaning we could be left without effective options in the future.


Quick facts about malaria


ACT NOW to get malaria treatment that works to Africa

Report 24 Apr 2003

Q&A: ACT NOW to get malaria treatment that works to Africa

Project Update 24 Apr 2003

Africa Malaria Day 2003: MSF says foot-dragging on malaria treatment change has lethal consequences

Press Release 24 Apr 2003

ACT NOW to get malaria treatment that works to Africa

Report 23 Apr 2003

The Vaccine Gap: NY Times editorial

Project Update 30 Jan 2003

WHO announcement on Africa Malaria Day signals positive shift in treatment policy

Press Release 25 Apr 2002

National malaria programme and treatment protocol: What is the cost and who will pay?

Report 13 Feb 2002
Access to medicines

Yes, drugs for the poor - and patents as well

In the Media 22 Feb 2001

Malaria epidemic and food crisis combine to create a very worrying situation in northern Burundi

Press Release 15 Jan 2001

We produce important research based on our field experience. So far, we have published articles in over 100 peer-reviewed journals. These articles have often changed clinical practice and have been used for humanitarian advocacy. Read all our Malaria-related articles on our dedicated Field Research website.

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MSF Malaria Project in Cambodia