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Philippines: responding to Typhoon Tembin

Natural disasters

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An earthquake, tsunami, flood or cyclone can have a devastating impact on entire communities.

Within a matter of minutes, natural disasters can affect the lives of tens of thousands of people. Hundreds or even thousands of people can be injured, homes and livelihoods destroyed. Access to clean water, healthcare services and transport can also be disrupted. The impact of each disaster varies greatly and our response must adapt to each situation.

Needs must be quickly identified, but accessing a disaster zone can be complex when roads are cut off. The first responders are people already on-site: community members, local authorities and aid organisations already present.

We keep pre-packaged kits to deploy for rapid relief and life-saving assistance. With projects in over 70 countries, we often have aid workers nearby when a disaster strikes. They can be reinforced with additional teams if a larger response is needed.

Response to flooding in Southern Africa - Malawi
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

Malawi: “This time, the flooding has destroyed houses, not lives”

Voices from the Field 29 Mar 2019
Ecuador Earthquake

MSF teams offer psychosocial support, distribute medicines in affected areas

Project Update 22 Apr 2016
Earthquake in Kumamoto prefecture, Japan

MSF starts medical activities in the area of Minami-aso after Kumamoto Quake

Project Update 21 Apr 2016
Asbuli 2016

Pastoral communities badly hit by the worst drought in 30 years

Project Update 21 Apr 2016
Ecuador Earthquake

People are very scared Many have had to leave their homes

Crisis Update 21 Apr 2016
Cholera response on and around lake Chilwa
Photo Story

A cholera response among fishing communities on and around Lake Chilwa

4 Apr 2016
Photo Story
Conditions in Kapise village, Malawi

Humanitarian standards not reachable for more than 5,800 Mozambican refugees in Kapise camp

Voices from the Field 17 Feb 2016
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13 June 2018