MSF Burundi en Pumps, bicycles and satellites: fighting malaria in Burundi In Ruyigi province, Burundi, MSF teams have carried out a large-scale indoor spraying campaign as a preventative measure to protect people's homes from malaria. Thu, 22 Apr 2021 13:55:47 +0000 47f844b9-35e1-400c-b07b-9bab3f690ac0 Burundi cholera epidemic: "Thankfully, my family all came back cured" The rapid response to the large-scale cholera epidemic that hit Burundi in June prevented many deaths. Here's how MSF joined the fight against the disease. Tue, 19 Nov 2019 13:28:25 +0000 47fedb4f-7f71-4d47-991a-89e13a9bc90e In Bujumbura, accident victims get back on their feet for free | Burundi L'Arche de Kigobe, the trauma centre run by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Bujumbura, western Burundi, treats around 2,000 people per month free of charge. Most are victims of accidents. Thu, 12 Sep 2019 10:09:37 +0000 4dbd3d30-bcdd-4c05-a587-b01f186480c5 Tanzania: One year of turmoil for Burundian refugees Wed, 01 Jun 2016 07:19:12 +0000 f976e24d-267a-4656-b04f-0bf9cf0623ca Burundi: MSF treats more than 60 people wounded in Bujumbura grenade attacks Tue, 16 Feb 2016 03:44:43 +0000 c5b81e99-7404-44ca-a6c2-92c80bd133a3 Tanzania: “People cope with these tough living conditions because often they haven’t known anything else.” Dr Alfonso Apollinar is part of MSF’s emergency team responding to the refugee crisis in Tanzania, where more than 118,000 Burundians have fled to camps across the border. He describes the conditions in the increasingly overburdened camps Wed, 09 Dec 2015 16:43:39 +0000 e9b02052-ced9-42e2-90be-85184414227a "Epidemics: Neglected emergencies?" MSF draws attention to the challenges and choices that may impair effective response to emergencies, epidemics and outbreaks. Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:46:29 +0000 6656488b-0b3e-44be-be4a-10279570a1c2 Burundi: MSF treats 60 people wounded in grenade explosions 60 injured people were treated by MSF at its trauma centre after grenades exploded in several Bujumbura neighbourhoods. Wed, 18 Nov 2015 10:18:00 +0000 70e6679a-8883-48d8-a58a-770941036379 Burundi: “We treat anyone who is injured, whatever their politics.” "Wounded patients often fear for their safety in medical facilities, so it is essential to create a place of sanctuary for them, where there is no discrimination," says Bruno Duchenne, MSF Head of Mission in Burundi. "We treat anyone who is injured, whatever their politics." Tue, 25 Aug 2015 13:28:35 +0000 dd8d818d-f10c-4b26-afac-964fe13de67a Tanzania: 130,000 refugees vaccinated against cholera in the overcrowded Nyarugusu camp A cholera vaccination campaign to protect Burundian and Congolese refugees in the overflowing Nyarugusu camp in Tanzania has been completed this week. However, with people still living in very precarious conditions, there is a parallel urgent need to improve the sanitary situation in the camp. Thu, 30 Jul 2015 11:18:07 +0000 558052e8-6ba7-4a3b-98be-fc4255dc9c04