MSF Malaysia en Lack of maternal healthcare puts refugee women at risk in Malaysia Access to maternal healthcare services for refugee women in Malaysia remains a challenge. Our teams provide sexual and reproductive healthcare services to refugee women at our clinic in Penang. Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:49:10 +0000 9848bf92-d4a5-459b-8a15-1fd1197b01b9 MSF ready to support Malaysia with safe disembarkation of people at sea In an open letter, Beatrice Lau, Head of Mission for MSF in Malaysia, cites our commitment to helping provide support to Malaysia in the disembarkation of people stranded at sea.<br /> Thu, 07 May 2020 09:41:55 +0000 daa0cc7f-a401-4462-b802-d0173a413bee Rohingya refugees left to starve at sea A group of around 400 survivors - all Rohingya refugees - of a boat that drifted at sea for weeks before being rescued have told MSF staff of their harrowing story. Wed, 22 Apr 2020 15:55:06 +0000 6313ba3e-d2bd-46d9-b31f-2cebd6c2e6cd Healthcare for struggling refugee communities in Malaysia Rohingya are among the refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia who live in constant fear of arrest, detention and deportation. Fri, 20 Sep 2019 07:32:26 +0000 7834ac00-bdf2-433a-94b1-60f62a1f603b This General Assembly, ASEAN should show true leadership | Rohingya As Southeast Asia&#039;s leaders prepare to meet on the sidelines of September&#039;s UN General Assembly and at the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) Summit in November, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Malaysia head of mission says Southeast Asia should show stronger leadership on the Rohingya crisis. Fri, 13 Sep 2019 11:36:44 +0000 a35eecb7-8d7e-4d5e-8342-a05adf72062d Two years on: No solutions in sight for the Rohingya | Myanmar, Bangladesh and Malaysia Hear the fears, hopes and daily reality of Rohingya people in Myanmar, Bangladesh and Malaysia, two years since the biggest ever exodus of Rohingya from Myanmar’s Rakhine state. Tue, 20 Aug 2019 06:59:00 +0000 f3f67fc2-d309-4b8f-b058-2d7e8fa9294b A Rohingya story in Malaysia: “We are always under threat of being arrested” Mah, a Rohingya refugee who fled from Myanmar to Malaysia with his family in 2013, recounts his experience in Myanmar and the challenges he and his family are facing in Malaysia. Fri, 24 Aug 2018 07:34:55 +0000 20f84c84-708a-4fc2-818a-f2510b50dbc0 There’s still time to stop the TPP from cutting off the critical lifeline of affordable generic medicines &quot;The fight to stop this irresponsible trade deal from going into effect is far from over,” said Judit Rius Sanjuan, MSF’s US Access Campaign manager and legal policy advisor. “The TPP deal being signed today is the worst trade deal ever for access to medicines and will make life-saving treatments unaffordable for those who need them most.&quot; Wed, 03 Feb 2016 08:42:28 +0000 5d98b40d-fdac-4e5f-93ba-6b3295e62eba TPP negotiators must fix the most damaging trade agreement ever for global health “The U.S. has abandoned its previous commitments to protect health in its trade policy,” said Judit Rius, U.S. Manager and Policy Advisor for MSF’s Access Campaign. “The TPP is a precedent-setting blueprint for future trade deals that will deny countries their right to balance business interests with the public health needs of people – a right that is ingrained in international trade rules. This week might be the last chance negotiators have to mitigate some of the potential devastation of the TPP. We ask government negotiators to protect access to medicines and fix the most damaging provisions in the TPP.” Thu, 23 Jul 2015 07:54:06 +0000 1b566682-7999-4a1d-a625-b43bd8b8b4bf MSF expresses its condolences to the families, friends, and colleagues of those on board the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 MSF expresses its condolences to the families, friends, and colleagues of those on board the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 Fri, 18 Jul 2014 08:16:06 +0000 3272126b-e9b0-4a44-91d1-17fb910b8487