MSF South Sudan en War in Sudan exacerbates humanitarian needs in South Sudan South Sudan is one of the most affected countries by the war in Sudan, with almost 680,000 crossing as refugees. But despite the magnitude of this crisis, humanitarian assistance remains critically low. Tue, 18 Jun 2024 14:37:18 +0000 0cf19131-e1a8-454a-b4fa-84b566cf491f A lack of food adds to challenges for people living with HIV and TB in South Sudan In South Sudan, malnutrition is exacerbating the TB and HIV pandemics. Mon, 03 Jun 2024 07:10:31 +0000 c2366e7c-766b-407b-9994-febe428ad9db Urgent vaccination campaign needed to halt deadly measles outbreak in South Sudan A measles crisis is mounting in South Sudan's Western Equatoria state. We urge for the launch of an immediate vaccination campaign to prevent further spread of the disease. Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:45:56 +0000 8eb368ba-ce0b-4879-9750-b88082f33d1e Urgent response at transit sites in South Sudan essential to prevent deadly outbreaks Since the war in Sudan broke out last April, more than half a million people have fled to South Sudan, many of whom are struggling to survive with a scarcity of humanitarian aid. Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:40:06 +0000 781572ec-0ac4-4629-a922-858d76bd3395 South Sudan: MSF launches mass vaccination campaign amid deadly hepatitis E outbreak As hepatitis E spreads in Old Fangak, we aim to vaccinate over 12,000 women and girls, who are at greatest risk of death from the deadly disease. Tue, 30 Jan 2024 06:58:49 +0000 8909dcb0-cddb-40e9-bc24-c79d4639cf66 Unshattered hope in the face of adversity in South Sudan MSF teams in South Sudan help people overcome barriers to healthcare and build healthcare capacities. However, many obstacles still need to be addressed. Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:07:41 +0000 fc9a1556-61bc-4724-a467-16c19caa5bf7 South Sudan: Aid woefully inadequate for returnees in deplorable conditions Nearly 300,000 South Sudanese fleeing the conflict in Sudan have returned to their homeland and are now stuck in deplorable conditions, at risk of measles, malaria and malnutrition. Tue, 03 Oct 2023 10:42:22 +0000 4b0a435e-b560-471f-b480-5ece3b30cf05 Sudan returnees arrive back in South Sudan in alarming health conditions People who had previously left South Sudan for Sudan are fleeing back to country following the outbreak of the conflict. But the poor state of health for many people, especially children, on arrival requires an urgent scale up in response. Thu, 31 Aug 2023 13:59:30 +0000 97d9a623-396d-443b-8506-466e0e956d4f Children at deadly risk of measles and malnutrition after fleeing conflict in Sudan Our teams are seeing alarming levels of measles and malnutrition among people fleeing the conflict in Sudan and arriving in South Sudan. We call for an urgent scale up to the humanitarian response before more lives are lost. Thu, 17 Aug 2023 09:48:24 +0000 0e5fb968-6ede-41d3-abef-3f68e062a8a9 South Sudan: Communities prepare for renewed flooding ahead of rainy season Our teams are working with communities in South Sudan to ensure they have the vital medications, skills and supplies to combat the severe flooding expected in the coming months. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 08:50:06 +0000 8daa6daf-9f4b-4b99-9ffa-4291893af088