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War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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252 Results For "diabetes"
Migration at US border - Arizona
United States of America

Supporting local groups helping people on the move at the US-Mexico border

People seeking to cross the US-Mexico border through the Arizona desert face serious health risks with little access to medical care. Project Update - 9 Aug 2024
Children in Tent

Trapped in fear, Syrian refugees face unbearable choices in Lebanon

Against a backdrop of an acute socio-economic collapse in Lebanon, Syrian refugees in the country are being increasingly targeted, leaving many too scared to seek healthcare. Project Update - 28 Jun 2024
HepC in Rohingya camps

Rohingya in Cox’s Bazar miss out on hepatitis C cure amid lack of treatment options

With a high prevalence of hepatitis C among Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, MSF is calling for action to scale up badly-needed diagnosis and treatment. Press Release - 12 Jun 2024
Migrant camp in Matamoros
Central American migration

Migrants in Central America and Mexico face violence and abuse

MSF report details abuses faced by migrants in Central America and calls for adequate response to address health and protection needs of migrants in the region. Press Release - 27 May 2024
MSF medical activities in northwest Syria

Syrians suffer from more funding cuts despite severe medical needs

Ahead of international donors and donor states meeting in Brussels on 27 May, MSF calls for the prioritisation of financial support for the Syrian health sector. Press Release - 24 May 2024
Inside Gaza - illustrations
Gaza-Israel war

The near impossible task of getting lifesaving supplies into Gaza

Mari Carmen Viñoles, MSF head of emergency programmes, explains the nearly impossible task of delivering lifesaving supplies into Gaza. Op-Ed - 2 May 2024
Rafah Indonesian Field Hospital
Gaza-Israel war

People in Gaza at serious risk of preventable deaths as healthcare crumbles

A new MSF report describes the massive struggle faced by Palestinians in Gaza to access medical care and warns of large numbers of preventable deaths caused by disruptions to critical healthcare.   Press Release - 29 Apr 2024
Kidney Screening

MSF highlights urgent need to care for patients with chronic kidney disease

Since 2021, MSF has been responding to chronic kidney disease in three municipalities in Guatemala. As the project is closing, we stress the need for health authorities to run renal health programmes across the country. Project Update - 17 Apr 2024
Naga, Myanmar, Access to healthcare for remote communities

Five things to know about the humanitarian crisis in northern Rakhine

Nimrat Kaur, MSF project coordinator in Myanmar, shares insights on the dire humanitarian crisis in the country amidst escalating violence. Interview - 15 Apr 2024
Violence in Port-au-Prince

In Port-au-Prince, the “violence is like gangrene, spreading and threatening us all.”

MSF doctor in Haiti, Dr Priscille Cupidon, describes the extreme violence ripping the country's capital apart, and its impact on medical workers. Voices from the Field - 10 Apr 2024
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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