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252 Results For "diabetes"
Wishlist 2020 - FUTURE [Twitter version]
Access to medicines

Our 2020 wishlist - five New Year's resolutions for medical care

In 2020 we want to see change in the way medicines and medical care is accessible for people and patients - not charity. Here are the five things we wish for change this year and beyond. Campaign - 22 Jan 2020
Nigeria - Malaria in Borno state

Malaria season ends, but healthcare challenges remain in Borno state

As the seasonal malaria peak ends in Nigeria's Borno state - where MSF staff treated thousands of children - a lack of affordable healthcare options means many people struggle to access healthcare. Project Update - 13 Dec 2019
Malawi - Advanced HIV

New model of care aims to reduce deaths among advanced HIV patients

In the Nsanje district of Malawi, the percentage of HIV positive people is higher than elsewhere in the country. A new care model aims to reduce deaths. Project Update - 1 Dec 2019

Empowering children living with type 1 diabetes

In Lebanon, MSF diabetes programmes focus on the use of technologies to improve young patients' adherence to treatment and their quality of life. Project Update - 13 Nov 2019
Iraq - Newly arrived refugees from NE Syria

Mental health issues emerge amongst people fleeing northeast Syria

MSF teams are starting to see - and treat - mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts, among people who have fled the conflict in northeast Syria into camps in northern Iraq. Project Update - 28 Oct 2019
IRAQ - maternal health activities in Mosul - August 2019

Mosul's expectant mothers just can't wait

Thousands of people are still struggling to access affordable quality healthcare in Mosul, northern Iraq, and pregnant women are among the most vulnerable. In west Mosul, two MSF maternity units welcome more than 150 babies each week. Project Update - 11 Sep 2019
Moria Camp

Greek and EU authorities deliberately neglecting people trapped on islands

People, especially children, are suffering in horrendous conditions in camps for refugees and migrants on the Greek islands. Meanwhile, the Greek government and EU member states are deliberately turning a blind eye to the crisis. Press Release - 5 Sep 2019
After the floods in Iran, providing health care to the vulnerable populations in Lorestan

Providing health care to vulnerable people in Lorestan after floods in Iran

Two months since violent flash floods stormed areas along the Kashkan River, in Lorestan province, west Iran, life is starting to return to normal. In Pol-e Dokhtar town, most of the sludge and rubble have been cleaned out while reconstruction of a few houses and shops are beginning in this devastated area. Project Update - 6 Jun 2019
MSF Mobile Clinics and Tea Teams Somali Region

Bringing healthcare to places where no health posts exist

MSF runs 17 mobile clinics in Doolo zone, a vast, arid area in Ethiopia’s Somali region, where patient numbers have consistently increased, indicating that we are reaching the right places. Project Update - 27 May 2019
Emergency mobile clinic outside Beira, Mozambique
Cyclone Idai & Southern Africa flooding

MSF emergency response to Cyclone Idai and flooding

Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe have been severely damaged by heavy rains, flooding and Cyclone Idai, which hit Beira, central Mozambique on 14 March. Our teams are on the ground in all three countries. Crisis Update - 26 Apr 2019
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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