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218 Results For "hepatitis"
Hepatitis C - Clinic Cambodia

Treating hepatitis C in Phnom Penh

Since October 2016, MSF has treated around 800 people in Cambodia for hepatitis C using medicines that have recently been introduced called direct-acting antivirals. Photo Story - 21 Aug 2017
Ngala IDP Camp, Nigeria - July 2017

“People are dying of hepatitis E because they don’t have soap or clean water”

Hundreds of people in a camp in northeastern Nigeria have been infected with hepatitis E after the disease spread from neighbouring Niger. The highly contagious disease has spread quickly through Ngala camp. Project Update - 10 Aug 2017
Nigeria: Searching for aid after fleeing the fighting

Crisis Update - July 2017

Hundreds of thousands of people remain almost entirely dependent on aid for their survival.
Crisis Update - 10 Aug 2017
Libya: detention centres in Tripoli

Providing assistance to migrants and refugees

Jean-Guy Vataux, head of mission in Libya, explains how MSF is providing assistance to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Voices from the Field - 23 Jun 2017
Hepatis E outbreak in Diffa

Hepatitis E outbreak in Diffa – 186 pregnant women admitted to hospital

The hepatitis E outbreak declared two months ago in southeastern Niger is particularly affecting pregnant women. Project Update - 19 Jun 2017
Bourbon Argos Rescue  2015

G7 countries must make bold commitments to humane migration policies

Concrete measures must be taken: safe and legal channels to seek protection; safe and humane reception conditions in countries of destination and transit; early detection of vulnerabilities; and the implementation of a dedicated search and rescue system in the Mediterranean Press Release - 25 May 2017
South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda

At night, I can’t stop thinking about what is going to happen to me and my children

I was lucky to make it to Uganda. But upon arrival in the refugee settlement, we found no water, no food and no health services. Voices from the Field - 18 May 2017
Diffa, Niger: a region devastated by the Boko Haram crisis

Diffa - the burden of violence

"I had to leave one place after the other due to repeated attacks." Project Update - 10 May 2017
Diffa: Water and sanitation conditions

Hepatitis E outbreak linked to water shortages and poor sanitation

“Water and sanitation activities in Diffa are clearly insufficient to meet people’s needs." Press Release - 26 Apr 2017
MSF Clinic Hepatitis C Unit
Hepatitis C

MSF joins Europe-wide action challenging patent on key hepatitis C drug

“With an estimated 80 million people worldwide living with hepatitis C, treatment should be available to everyone who needs it,” said Dr Isaac Chikwanha, hepatitis C medical advisor for MSF’s Access Campaign. Press Release - 26 Mar 2017
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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