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218 Results For "hepatitis"
Democratic Republic of Congo

Civilians bearing brunt of increased violence and insecurity in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo says MSF

For years civilians in eastern DRC have suffered sexual violence related to the conflict. But MSF has not provided medical treatment for rape on this scale in South Kivu since 2004. In an already volatile context, MSF is confronted with what appears to be a further deterioration in the situation which directly impacts on the civilian population. Project Update - 28 Jan 2011
Access to medicines

Don't swallow this pill

India should not repeat others' mistakes, or the effect would be felt far
beyond India's borders. The country is the source of the vast majority of drugs used to treat AIDS in developing countries. Affordable medicines produced in India have played a major part in reaching the more than five million people receiving HIV/AIDS treatment across the developing world
Project Update - 20 Jan 2011

You can see tuberculosis in Uzbekistan in a heartbeat

A patient with advanced MDR-TB. She is too frail to play table tennis, as are most of her fellow patients at the hospital. Project Update - 24 Sep 2010

Time passes, medical needs persist and just a few months to hurricane season

In a country where 60 percent of the medical facilities suffered serious damage or were destroyed, MSF is working to meet second-line medical needs by managing or supporting hospitals and specialised medical facilities. Project Update - 20 May 2010

Where childbirth is a deadly part of life

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) set up its project in Kuchlak, in Pakistan’s south western Balochistan province, to assist Afghan refugees who face socio-economic exclusion and restricted access to health care, particularly for women and children. Project Update - 10 Dec 2009

Responding to food insecurity and malnutrition in northeast Uganda

In addition to responding to the malnutrition crisis in Uganda, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) tackled other disease outbreaks such as Hepatitis E, Ebola or cholera and, in some areas, MSF teams have refocused their activities on secondary care and HIV/AIDS care.
Project Update - 16 Oct 2008

More dead than alive - surviving kala azar

Each year, 50,000 people die of kala azar, a tropical disease which is transmitted by sandflies; there are few effective drugs to treat it, and those that are available are mostly not affordable for people in poorer countries. Project Update - 24 Jul 2008

Medical consultations and distribution of material at Mexico flood scenes

Twelve days after the flooding began, displaced families continue to wait for a drop in water levels, allowing them to finally return home. A distribution is in process for 2,600 other families. Project Update - 14 Nov 2007

Chad's rainy season, with ongoing violence and displacement, brings the health situation closer to emergency levels

Attacks from rebels on the civilians living in villages and in camps will most probably diminish during the rainy season, as it is not only MSF that has problems in reaching the population: also the rebels can not cross the wadis once they are filled with water. Project Update - 30 Jul 2007

Novartis angers critics in India

Challenge of patent laws creates uproar among public-health advocates. Project Update - 5 Mar 2007
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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