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South Sudan

Activity Update, August 2015

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) employs more than 3,054 South Sudanese staff and 284 international staff to respond to a wide range of medical emergencies and provide free and high quality healthcare to people in need. Crisis Update - 8 Sep 2015
South Sudan

Two MSF aid workers killed as fighting continues in Unity state

"The situation is desperate. Ongoing attacks, killings and sexual violence against civilians by any armed actor in Unity state must stop,” says Tara Newell, MSF's Emergency Manager. “People displaced from their homes and villages should be able to move safely to seek assistance, wherever it is being provided.” Press Release - 25 Aug 2015

MSF treats patients with symptoms of exposure to chemical agents

"The patients’ clinical symptoms, the way these symptoms changed over time, and the patients’ testimony about the circumstances of the poisoning all point to exposure to a chemical agent,” Pablo Marco, MSF’s programme manager in Syria. Press Release - 25 Aug 2015
South Sudan

Dramatic influx of displaced people threatens medical crisis at PoC camp

“Many people arriving in the Malakal camp have been displaced for weeks or months already with extremely limited access to food and medical care,” says Victor Escobar, MSF project Coordinator in Malakal. “These already-vulnerable people urgently need a sanitary space to live and access to medical care. Otherwise, their health will continue to suffer.” Project Update - 21 Aug 2015
Emergency response in Diffa for refugges fleeing Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria

Influx of Nigerian refugees in the Diffa region continues

"The families fled Nigeria in May, leaving everything behind while Boko Haram reduced their village to ashes. The refugees are now entirely dependent on humanitarian aid. While they have quickly built huts, and some have received plastic tarpaulins and other essential supplies, most do not have access to drinking water, and the hygiene conditions are appalling," says Ahmad Samro, MSF's Project Manager, about the situation in Diffa. Voices from the Field - 20 Aug 2015
Medical and mental healthcare for people displaced by violence in the Lake Chad area.
Lake Chad Crisis

Lake Chad: Populations fleeing Boko Haram violence

Since May 2013, violent insurgencies by Boko Haram have led to widespread displacement and an escalating humanitarian crisis in the Lake Chad region. According to UNHCR figures, nearly 1.4 million people have been internally displaced in northeast Nigeria alone, and approximately 170,000 people have fled to neighbouring Cameroon (56,000), Chad (14,000) and Niger (100,000). At least 1,300 people have died so far this year. Crisis Update - 20 Aug 2015

Heat wave adds to the woes of Syrian refugees in Bekaa Valley

In Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, temperatures have reached as high as 42 degrees. The heat isn’t just bringing discomfort; it’s bringing sickness. “We provide medicine and our health promotion teams explain how to reduce the spread of infection, but we can’t change the underlying cause of these problems, which are poor hygiene and precarious living conditions,” says Dr. Wael Harb, head of MSF's medical activities in the Bekaa. Project Update - 20 Aug 2015

Flood victims vulnerable to dengue fever

“This is peak dengue season and we need to remain vigilant after the floods to prevent further spread,” says Liesbeth Aelbrecht, MSF Myanmar Country Director. “We will focus on helping treat the disease as well as training Ministry of Health staff and volunteers on how to fumigate potential breeding sites and to spread messages to communities about dengue prevention.” Project Update - 17 Aug 2015

One year after fleeing violence, families in northern Iraq still live in uncertainty

“Many families are in need of humanitarian assistance and live in appalling conditions in unfinished buildings. Donors have started to turn away and people living outside of the camps continue to be neglected,” says MSF field coordinator Caroline Voûte. Between January and June 2015, MSF medical teams provided a total of 15,788 consultations to displaced people living in unfinished buildings around Zakho. Voices from the Field - 3 Aug 2015
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF has vaccinated over 287,000 children against measles in four provinces

“This is the most serious epidemic Katanga has seen since 2011. We are adapting our current activities, and drawing on our experience from 2011. In one year, we have vaccinated almost 1.5 million children and treated more than 50,000 cases in 31 of the 68 health zones in Katanga Province,” explains Jean-Guy Vataux, MSF Head of Mission in DRC. “But people have difficulty accessing treatment, and it is also likely that cases are under-reported, so the current epidemics may well be more serious than they appear. It is important to act as quickly as possible, so that we don’t end up in the same situation as in 2011, or an even more serious one.” Project Update - 3 Aug 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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