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750 Results For "respiratory"
Yida, Refugee Camp
South Sudan

Health catastrophe continues in refugee camps

Many of the refugees from Sudan’s Blue Nile State who have fled to Maban County in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State had family members who could not complete the journey and died before they reached Batil camp. In some cases, they said their relatives died because they were “tired of walking,” which illustrates the weakened, vulnerable state in which much of this population arrived at the camp. Project Update - 18 Aug 2012
South Sudan

Catastrophic health situation in refugee camps

New epidemiological data from two refugee camps in South Sudan show mortality and malnutrition rates well above emergency thresholds. More than 170,000 refugees have crossed the border to escape conflict in Sudan’s Blue Nile and South Kordofan states. Since June, an average of five children are dying each day in Yida camp and one in three children is malnourished in Batil camp. Press Release - 2 Aug 2012
South Sudan

'What we are facing is an extremely serious situation'

About 100,000 refugees fleeing the fighting in the Sudanese state of Blue Nile have taken refuge in Maban county in South Sudan. In the camp of Batil, home to 34,000 people, the number of children with malnutrition is increasing but humanitarian response remains inadequate. John Tzanos, MSF emergency coordinator in the region, provides an update. Voices from the Field - 26 Jul 2012

MSF operates in the heart of the tribal areas

The situation in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) was particularly unstable in 2010 and early 2011. Spikes of violence, isolation, closure of supply routes, and the near-collapse of the health system created obstacles to obtaining medical care. MSF has been working in Kurram Agency since 2004, supporting the hospitals in Alizai (a Shiite community) and Sadda (a Sunni enclave) since May 2006 and is trying to meet the populations' medical needs. Project Update - 20 Jul 2012
South Sudan

Jamam refugee camp under water

Mortality rates are exceeding emergency thresholds in a refugee camp in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state, currently home to a quarter of roughly 120,000 refugees who have fled Sudan’s Blue Nile state since late last year. The onset of heavy seasonal rains flooded the camps and gravely expanded the risk of illness for the already weakened refugees. MSF warns of worsening crisis in the camps. Press Release - 5 Jul 2012
South Sudan

Water remains the biggest concern

An MSF medical coordinator recounts how MSF teams have been moving alongside a large influx of around 35,000 refugees who crossed the border from Sudan’s Blue Nile state in May - June, supporting them with medical care, clean water and shelter on their journey to the Jamam camp. The teams face many challenges as they try to provide assistance in an inhospitable place. Voices from the Field - 3 Jul 2012
Central African Republic

Child death rate alarmingly high

An “alarmingly high” number of children under the age of five are dying in parts of Central African Republic, according to the findings of a new mortality survey conducted by MSF. A principal reason is the absence of easily accessible healthcare, with 60 per cent of under-fives dying at home and 13 per cent on the journey to hospital. Project Update - 3 Jul 2012

MSF runs a malaria project

The outbreak of malaria after almost 40 years of absence in Greece led to the decision for a comprehensive response from MSF. MSF has started implementing projects contributing to the prevention, epidemiological surveillance, clinical management, laboratory diagnosis and vector control of the disease in Laconia, Pelopponesus (south of Greece). Statement - 28 Jun 2012

Refugees in vulnerable situation

A political crisis has divided Mali since the end of January 2012. Fear of being caught in the cross-fire, insecurity and the food crisis have driven more than 300,000 Malians to flee the country for neighboring nations. MSF is responding to the growing humanitarian need in the region, providing assistance to refugees as well as to local people. Project Update - 27 Jun 2012

Meeting the health needs of Syrian refugees

Since the conflict began in Syria, tens of thousands of Syrians have taken refuge in neighbouring countries. As more and more people have crossed over into Lebanon seeking shelter and medical care, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has extended its activities in Lebanon to the regions of Wadi Khaled, Tripoli and the Bekaa valley. Laurent Ligozat, MSF’s deputy operational director, gives a first-hand account of the situation in the region. Voices from the Field - 21 Jun 2012
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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