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750 Results For "respiratory"
Central African Republic

MSF aids population in northern 'triangle of violence' in Central African Republic

Since the end of February, regions in northern Central African Republic (CAR) have witnessed renewed fighting between a rebel group and the national army, and between other armed groups present in the area. Project Update - 6 Mar 2009

MSF reinforces activities in the temporary settlement of Patras, Greece, following yesterday's destructive fire

"We are deeply concerned about the critical condition of this population. These people have come to this country from very far away, having fled in order to survive. Yesterday's devastating fire has made this population ever so vulnerable," said Giorgos Karagiannis, MSF head of mission of the project for undocumented migrants in Greece. Press Release - 22 Jan 2009
Access to medicines

JAMA study shows food supplements can significantly reduce rates of deadliest form of malnutrition

The results of an eight-month trial showed that those children who had received the energy-dense fortified ready-to-use food had a 58 percent lower chance of suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Press Release - 20 Jan 2009

Migrant workers in Calabria suffering intolerable living and working conditions

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) again asks that the President of the Calabrian region and the local authorities carry out immediately emergency measures, such as installing toilets, showers, and drinking water services and to strengthen the health services for the migrant workers. Press Release - 18 Dec 2008

Civilian prisoners in Guinea prison suffer malnutrition, exposure to TB, in appalling conditions

MSF launched a short nutritional and medical response in the Guéckédou civilian prison to treat an alarming medical and nutritional situation. Project Update - 26 Nov 2008

Ibrahim Younis at the Balochistan, Pakistan, earthquake

Ibrahim Younis, an MSF Emergency Coordinator, arrived three days after the earthquake which occured on October 29 in Ziarat District, Pakistan, and stayed two weeks in the Ziarat area as an MSF Emergency Coordinator. Project Update - 21 Nov 2008
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF team travels to Dungu, DRC, three days after attacks on the town

Three days after rebels of the Lord Resistance Army (LRA) attacked the town of Dungu on November 1, an MSF team went to assess the impact of these events on the population and the nature and severity of the needs; the team also sought to confirm if the security conditions could allow MSF to return on site soon. Project Update - 10 Nov 2008
Democratic Republic of Congo

A desperate, dangerous situation in the DRC - a volunteer's description

Helen O'Neill is an Operational Advisor with emergency medical aid agency Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and recently returned after having worked with the MSF teams in the Kivu region of northeastern Congo. She describes the situation on the ground. Project Update - 3 Nov 2008

MSF ends emergency intervention in Lesvos island, Greece

During a press conference held in Athens, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) announced the closure of its four-month emergency intervention in the detention center for migrants of Lesvos (Mytiline) urging the authorities to assume their responsibilities and provide medical care and human living conditions for the migrants. Press Release - 30 Sep 2008

Receding floodwaters leave new health threats in Gonaïves

Since its arrival in Gonaïves on September 4, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams have carried out 2,329 medical consultations at the Raboteau Health Center - which MSF helped restore following the tropical storms and hurricanes that devastated much of the city in late August and early September - and has been operating mobile clinics out of shelters, schools and some orphanages in Gonaïves. Project Update - 26 Sep 2008
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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