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750 Results For "respiratory"

Medical and psych care amidst the violence in Rio de Janeiro

MSF runs an emergency room in the community of Fazendinha, located in the heart of the neighbourhood, where four main services are offered: emergency care, mental health services, referrals through MSF vehicles, and orientation to patients not fitting the MSF admission criteria. Project Update - 6 Mar 2008

Fatouma and Radia are witnesses of Zalingei camp's faltering aid system

The six members of Raddia's family were registered upon arrival to receive food-aid. Five years later, they are still considered as a family of six people by the World Food Program. But today, they actually number 13 mouths to feed: the two children born in the camp were not taken into account, and the system has included no new-born infants for the last four years. Project Update - 29 Feb 2008

MSF continues range of activities throughout Kenya

Project Update - 27 Feb 2008

Displaced populations still on the move in Kenya

In this interview, Juliette Thaury, a doctor and field officer in Kericho, provides an update on the MSF's mobile team's activities at seven sites in the region. Voices from the Field - 12 Feb 2008

As N'Djamena, Chad, settles, thousands of Chadian refugees are leading a precarious existence in Cameroon

One week after the fighting, N'Djamena, Chad's capital city, is slowing getting back to normal. The streets are starting to fill again, even if many shops in the town centre remain closed. Project Update - 12 Feb 2008

Strenthening teams to cope with Chadian refugees in Cameroon

Interview with Dr. Véronique Urbaniale, MSF Chadian Refugee Emergency Program Manager Project Update - 12 Feb 2008

How MSF has adapted to Kenya's post-election violence

As well as adapting long-running HIV/AIDS projects to provide care for victims of violence, new projects have been set up in the west of the country to provide assistance to the thousands of Kenyans living in internally displaced person's (IDP) camps, as well as the hundreds who are trapped in rural areas with little or no aid. Project Update - 7 Feb 2008

MSF activities in Somalia - December 2007

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has worked continuously in southern and central Somalia for more than 16 years and is currently providing medical care in 11 regions in the country: Bakool, Banadir, Bay, Galgadud, Hiraan, Lower Juba, Middle Juba, Mudug, Middle Shabelle, Lower Shabelle and Puntland. Project Update - 31 Jan 2008

Kenya's post-election violence and the 'hapa-hapa' syndrome

MSF Logistical Coordinator, Naoufel Dridi, provides people with tickets in the Langas internally displaced camp so they can collect a non-food item kit.
MSF has been working in Eldoret since January 2. At present, an international team of eight staff visits camps and settlements, providing assistance to the displaced.
Project Update - 15 Jan 2008

MSF's work with injecting drug users in Thailand

Injecting drug users in Thailand are among the highest risk groups for HIV transmission. According to the WHO, prevalence in this group has stayed consistently high over the last 15 years, ranging between 30 percent to 50 percent (WHO 2007) Project Update - 12 Jan 2008
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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