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750 Results For "respiratory"

Dadaab: A new influx of refugees will worsen already dire situation

MSF is deeply concerned about the medical consequences following recent public statements from Kenyan authorities exhorting thousands of Somali refugees in Kenya to leave urban areas and go to remote and already saturated camps. Any potential influx of new arrivals will put further pressure on the existing precarious situation. Statement - 28 Dec 2012
Machar Colony clinic, Karachi

MSF opens new clinic in Karachi

A new clinic providing essential basic medical care as well as emergency and obstetric services has been opened in Machar Colony by MSF together with Sina Health, Education and Welfare Trust (SINA). The clinic first opened its doors in mid-October 2012, and in its first month more than 100 consultations took place daily. Press Release - 27 Dec 2012
Central African Republic

MSF extends medical activities amid increasing violence

Fighting and violence continued over the past week in several areas in the north and centre of Central African Republic (CAR). Increased military movements and hostilities between rebels and the army have forced civilian population to leave their homes, preventing them from accessing the basic services they need, in particular medical aid. Project Update - 24 Dec 2012
Central African Republic

Attack forces people to flee Ndélé town

On Monday 10 December, the town of Ndélé, in the northeastern Central African Republic (CAR), was the target of an attack by the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity (UFDR). There were exchanges of gunfire between the UFDR and Central African Armed Forces (FACA) based in Ndélé. Some casualties were reported among the ranks of the FACA and one wounded civilian was transferred to Ndélé hospital, where he was tended to by a team from MSF. Project Update - 14 Dec 2012
Pibor, South Soudan
South Sudan

Saving lives at the clinic under the tree

David Bude is an Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) clinician who was working in MSF’s health clinic in the remote village of Lekwongole, near Pibor town, in South Sudan’s violence-afflicted Jonglei State. When fighting erupted in Lekwongole in August 2012, he fled along with the rest of the population. While in hiding, deep in the bush, David used his medical skills to save lives in exceptionally difficult circumstances. Voices from the Field - 13 Dec 2012

"In Morocco migrants are trapped in a constant cycle of violence"

Interview with David Cantero, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) head of mission in Morocco Voices from the Field - 29 Nov 2012
Malnutrition in Yida refugee Camp
South Sudan

Treating child malnutrition in Yida camp

In Yida refugee camp, South Sudan, teams from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) have set up outpatient treatment sites for children suffering from malnutrition. Project Update - 26 Nov 2012
Somalia - ATFC in Warshadaha

MSF nutritional assessment in camps reveals alarming malnutrition rates among children

One in four children living in camps on the outskirts of the Somali capital are malnourished, according to an assessment conducted by MSF. In response to the critical situation, a team from MSF launched an emergency three-day intervention to provide urgent nutritional treatment and on-site medical care to children under the age of five. Project Update - 19 Nov 2012
Doctors Without Borders Teams Filling Gaps in Medical Aid for People Affected by Hurricane Sandy
United States of America

MSF filling gaps in medical aid for people affected by Hurricane Sandy

MSF teams, working alongside local community groups, are providing medical and mental health care to Hurricane Sandy-affected communities in the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, as well as Hoboken, New Jersey. The vast majority of the patients treated by MSF in the shelters and underserved communities have been elderly, homeless, or physically or mentally impaired. Project Update - 5 Nov 2012
Refugee crisis South Sudan, Upper Nile State, Batil and Doro.
South Sudan

'I have never seen anything like this before'

Helen Ottens-Patterson, from the United Kingdom, is a nurse MSF medical coordinator in Maban county in Upper Nile state, South Sudan. MSF is the largest provider of emergency medical care for the more than 110,000 refugees that have fled fighting in Sudan’s Blue Nile state. In Batil refugee camp, one of four camps in the county, a recent survey carried out by MSF showed that the mortality rate for children under five years old was more than double the emergency threshold. Here, Helen shares her experience in providing care for this particularly vulnerable group of people. Voices from the Field - 22 Aug 2012
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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