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750 Results For "respiratory"
Central African Republic

'People are trapped in the middle of the conflict'

Since mid-2006 violence has dramatically increased in scale and intensity in the northern parts of Central African Republic - with grave consequences for the civilians who are caught in the crossfire of a number of armed groups.
More recently, the north-eastern province of Vakaga has also become caught up in violence. MSF was the first international aid group to be active in this very remote region bordering Chad and Sudan (Darfur). An interview with MSF's outgoing Head of Mission, Heinz Henghuber.
Project Update - 2 Jun 2007
Sierra Leone

Malaria and infections

It is sometimes hard to know how things start. Take Mariana Mohammed, for example. Seven days ago, she was admitted to the MSF referral centre in Gondama. Her parents arrived in the late afternoon, after a day of travel that started early in the morning. Project Update - 30 Apr 2007

Malaria portrait from Sierra Leone

Salaymatu Kargbo was one of the first people we met in Yamandu. A baby girl, just 17 months old, with tiny braids in her hair and sleepiness in her eyes. Her mother carefully approached our car, as soon as it stopped outside the colourful clinic. Project Update - 27 Apr 2007

Child mortality - Malaria photo series from Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone has one of the world's highest child mortality rates (282 out of every 1,000 children die before their fifth birthday) and much of this is due to malaria. In the hospital and five clinics in the Bo area where MSF works, two out of five consultations are related to malaria. Project Update - 25 Apr 2007

Myanmar refugees in Bangladesh: Stuck with nowhere to go

More than 6,000 men, women and children have sought refuge on a stretch of land 800 meters long and 30 meters wide, where food and potable water is scarce and access to health care limited.
Press Release - 12 Mar 2007
Democratic Republic of Congo

Offering free health care in a neglected region of the DRC

By taking over the hospital in Lubutu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Médecins Sans Frontières aims to fight mortality in an area hit by a catastrophic health crisis. Project Update - 26 Feb 2007
Central African Republic

A Pandora's box to malnutrition, epidemics and illness opens in the Central African Republic

In August 2006, MSF started working in Ouham region in northern CAR. MSF teams provide primary and secondary healthcare in and around Kabo and Batangafo. Alfonso Verdú Pérez is Head of Mission for MSF projects in Ouham region.
Listen to an MSF report on CAR civilians who have fled from the violence
Project Update - 20 Feb 2007

MSF mobile clinics serve Indonesia's flooded capital, Jakarta

"The waters are receding and people start returning home," says Fransen. "Hopefully from here on the situation will improve. But we keep a close eye on things and remain ready to start new activities whenever needed." Project Update - 9 Feb 2007

Insecurity is no alibi for inaction

Organisation urges other aid agencies to step up assistance for displaced people.
"The security situation in eastern Chad is indeed volatile," says Martin Braaksma, MSF Head of Mission. "But balanced against the huge humanitarian needs, we have no option but to continue to work here."
Press Release - 3 Feb 2007

Migrants employed in agriculture in southern Italy continue to work and live in deprivation and unhealthy conditions

"It is shocking to find people living in a country that is a member of the European Union, under conditions comparable to what MSF teams see in the most deprived parts of Africa," said Antonio Virgilio, Head of Mission for MSF's Italian projects. Press Release - 30 Jan 2007
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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