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750 Results For "respiratory"

As MSF returns to Somali flood area, all now depends on security and access

In recent months, needs in Somalia have risen as floods struck the southern region of the country. However aid was compromised with military and political developments that forced MSF to limit the aid it provided. MSF has managed to return with a limited team to Marere. MSF project co-ordinator Darryl Stellmach, part of the returning intenational staff, was spoken to by MSF about the current situation. Project Update - 2 Jan 2007
South Sudan

MSF provides assistance to 50,000 newly displaced in south Darfur

When MSF's mobile teams were able to move around, they found civilians shot and beaten, villages largely burned to the ground, water points damaged beyond repair, food stocks destroyed, and despair over suddenly shattered lives and communities. Project Update - 12 Nov 2006

Malaria house calls in Sierra Leone

MSF has been looking at ways to change the situation where so many children get infected then develop life-threatening, severe malaria. Project Update - 25 Sep 2006
Democratic Republic of Congo

Katanga's displaced face hunger and neglect

Project Update - 24 Aug 2006

Ceasefire improves access to displaced in Lebanon

Hours after the ceasefire came into effect, thousands of displaced started returning to their homes. Though fighting can still break out at any moment and unexploded ordnance remains on roads, in fields and in towns, the displaced are eager to leave the collective centers where living conditions are difficult. Project Update - 16 Aug 2006

Escalating violence prevents humanitarian aid from reaching the most needy in Lebanon

Supplies are still arriving from Europe into neighbouring countries where supply bases have been set up. So far, 230 tons of material have arrived in Beirut, but it still needs to reach the different areas where MSF teams are working. Project Update - 11 Aug 2006

A health clinic where thousands of Rwandans seek refugee in Burundi

"The days are too short here," Carole sighs. "Illnesses, wounds, transfers, deaths and births, it all takes place right here." Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

A day in a refugee camp clinic in Burundi

The clinic described here is located in the Musasa camp in Burundi. Approximately 15,000 Rwandans who fled their country are now staying in the camp. Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

'I try to stay unknown as much as I can' - Portrait of a Rwandan seeking refuge

I don't speak to many people, I'm afraid that too many details about my life will reveal my identity. There's always a possibility that there are infiltrators in the camp who want to track down people they're looking for or want to eliminate. I can't return to Rwanda after all that has happened. If I don't get refugee status, I will try to hide in Burundi, or try to get into another country." Project Update - 22 Jun 2006

The world needs to know what is going on - portrait of a Rwandan seeking refuge

"Speaking to you is dangerous for me, it could reveal my identity and I'm very afraid that people will do that. But the world needs to know what is going on in Rwanda." Project Update - 22 Jun 2006
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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