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750 Results For "respiratory"
War-Weary South Sudanese find emergency medical care in Ethiopia

War-weary South Sudanese find emergency medical care

Since it began in December 2013, the conflict in South Sudan has forced over two million people from their homes. For those living in the east of the country, the refugee camps in Ethiopia’s Gambella Region offer the best sanctuary. Voices from the Field - 21 Mar 2018
Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Community
Rohingya refugee crisis

Crisis update - March 2018

More than six months into the beginning of the latest Rohingya exodus, people continue to flee from Myanmar into Bangladesh fearing for their lives and seeking safety. A total of 3,236 refugees are reported to have entered Bangladesh in February alone. Crisis Update - 15 Mar 2018

An outrageous, relentless mass casualty disaster in East Ghouta

At least 344 wounded and 71 dead every day, seven days a week for two weeks – non-stop Statement - 8 Mar 2018
Congolese refugees in Uganda
Democratic Republic of Congo

Violence in Ituri province forces tens of thousands from their homes

“New arrivals tell us of attacks at night, and a small number have deep cuts and wounds. Many arrive traumatized and exhausted, with sick children” Project Update - 28 Feb 2018
Snapshots from Tabqa

"We need your help to stop the bombing"

Medics in Syria that MSF supports tell us of what they're seeing during the conflict. Voices from the Field - 24 Feb 2018
Rohingya Exodus - 6 months

The crisis is not over - Rohingya refugees are still arriving

The numbers of people arriving now are not massive, like in the beginning of the crisis, but we still see a few hundred reaching the country every week after crossing the Naf river. Voices from the Field - 19 Feb 2018
Patients arrive with a multitude of different problems.
South Sudan

The stark choices facing displaced people in Aburoc

"This constant fleeing from one town to another has taken its toll on the community. While some are planning ahead, others are still mentally and physically exhausted by the ordeal of last year." Project Update - 13 Feb 2018

The situation in the northwest is quickly going from very bad to worse

"This is another step towards disaster in this troubled zone."  Voices from the Field - 9 Feb 2018

MSF challenges Pfizer’s monopoly on lifesaving pneumonia vaccine in South Korea

“In our work, we see many children with life-threatening respiratory infections; many deaths could be prevented if more kids were vaccinated with PCV.” Press Release - 6 Feb 2018
Christelle Story - Batangafo
Central African Republic

Attacks on medical facilities leave people without options

We have treated patients who have been shot, stabbed, beaten, burned in their homes and raped. Project Update - 30 Jan 2018
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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