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750 Results For "respiratory"
The Jungle, Calais

MSF continues to assist refugees in Calais

Project Update - 18 Jan 2016
Central African Republic

MSF launches vaccination campaign of unprecedented scale

The percentage of immunised children in the Central African Republic (CAR) has fallen sharply since the crisis began in 2013. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is now planning to vaccinate one quarter of all the country’s children against the principal childhood killer diseases. Press Release - 13 Jan 2016
PPCSI in Tama, Niger

Getting children to grow healthily

An innovative strategy consisting of moving the treatment of severe acute malnutrition out of hospitals was expanded massively for the first time, and reached a record number of children.Ten years later, strategies to tackle other deadly diseases in Niger are combining with the fight against malnutrition in a public health approach. Project Update - 22 Dec 2015
Dr. Alfonso Apolinar

“People cope with these tough living conditions because often they haven’t known anything else.”

Dr Alfonso Apollinar is part of MSF’s emergency team responding to the refugee crisis in Tanzania, where more than 118,000 Burundians have fled to camps across the border. He describes the conditions in the increasingly overburdened camps Voices from the Field - 9 Dec 2015
Assistance at sea to refugee boats in distress
Mediterranean migration

MSF and Greenpeace launch life-saving operations in the Aegean Sea

A joint operation to rescue people risking their lives on the dangerous sea crossing between Turkey and Greece has been launched by international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and environmental organisation Greenpeace. Press Release - 3 Dec 2015
Malakal, South Sudan
South Sudan

"The root cause of these illnesses is overcrowding and sub-standard living conditions"

Each time the three-month-old exhales, it makes a rasping sound as her breath forces its way through her tiny, infected lungs. When the infant cries, her body contorts with the effort of breathing. Until recently, she’s been connected to an oxygen machine to support her breathing. Voices from the Field - 18 Nov 2015
Malakal, South Sudan
South Sudan

Dramatic increase in patients in Malakal’s UN site as living conditions jeopardise health of thousands

Following an influx of 16,000 IDPs in July-August, conditions remain unacceptable and it's impacting the health of the population: the number of under-five children treated by MSF per week has increased 5-fold since June, largely as a result of poor sanitation and over-crowding. Project Update - 18 Nov 2015
Violence victims in Hôpital Général week 44
Central African Republic

MSF reinforces medical activities in Bangui following more than a month of renewed violence

MSF runs mobile clinics in five sites for internally displaced people, and offers more than 1,000 consultations per week Project Update - 12 Nov 2015

Crisis Update – October 2015

Humanitarian response has so far been insufficient, concentrated in safer areas and short term. Recent cuts in funding have been increasingly affecting the level of assistance offered to Syrian refugees, displaced populations and host communities. Crisis Update - 11 Nov 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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