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750 Results For "respiratory"
IDP Camp Tomping, Juba, South Sudan
South Sudan

First rains exacerbate deplorable living conditions in Tomping camp, Juba

Heavy rainfall has exacerbated the deplorable living conditions in Tomping camp Project Update - 19 Mar 2014
A "medical home" in Milan for the homeless

An MSF “medical home” for the homeless in Milan

Essential medical services for Milan's homeless Project Update - 13 Mar 2014
Malnutrition in Bihar, India

A step closer to effective treatment of severe acute malnutrition in Bihar

MSF operates a Malnutrition Intensive Care Unit for treating severe acute malnutrition in children. Press Release - 3 Mar 2014
Tomping Camp, South Sudan
South Sudan

Extremely poor living conditions in Juba camp for the displaced

40,000 refugees face greater exposure to malaria and diarrhoea Project Update - 28 Feb 2014
N'Djamena, Chagoua: transit center  for CAR refugees

Thousands of CAR refugees flee to N'Djamena

Refugees from CAR face an uncertain future in Chad Project Update - 26 Feb 2014
Bouar, on the edge of survival
Central African Republic

"The people who leave take enormous risks"

Florent Uzzeni, deputy emergency programme manager, describes what he is seeing unfold on the ground. Voices from the Field - 24 Feb 2014
Chad, Dozens of thousands of people have fled violence CAR

Tens of thousands of refugees from Central African Republic arrive

Approximately 35,000 people from CAR have taken refuge in southern Chad Project Update - 15 Feb 2014
Chad, tens of thousands flee violence in CAR
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

Refugee crisis hits Central African Republic’s neighbours as more flee violence

Around 100,000 refugees have now fled from CAR to neighbouring Cameroon, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and DRC. Project Update - 15 Feb 2014
Pakistan Behind The Headlines

Crossing mountains to reach a hospital

Harsh winter conditions mean that many vulnerable people cannot access the healthcare they need Project Update - 11 Feb 2014
Displaced families walking from Bentiu to Leer, South Sudan.
South Sudan

Insecurity in Leer has devastating consequences for those hiding in the bush

Worsening security in Leer, South Sudan, makes MSF's job almost too difficult to continue Project Update - 11 Feb 2014
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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