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Malawi: supporting sex workers to access healthcare

Sexual violence

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Sexual violence affects millions of people, brutally shattering the lives of women, men and children. It is a medical emergency, but there is often a dire lack of healthcare services for victims.

No statistics on sexual violence provide a complete picture of the problem or its prevalence. Shame, fear, stigmatisation and many other obstacles prevent an unknown number of victims from receiving, or even seeking, treatment. And yet getting immediate medical care after sexual assault is critical in order to limit the potential consequences. In 2023, our teams treated over 62,200 victims of sexual violence; 22,300 more than the year before.

Quick facts about sexual violence


Rape and sexual violence ongoing in Darfur, Sudan

Press Release 3 Jul 2005

MSF shocked by arrest of Head of Mission in Sudan - charged with crimes against the state

Press Release 31 May 2005

High Commissioner for Human Rights concerned over arrest of MSF head in Sudan

Project Update 31 May 2005

The Crushing Burden of Rape: Sexual Violence in Darfur

Report 8 Mar 2005

Catastrophe in Darfur: Unmet promises and continuing violence

Project Update 18 Nov 2004

Flight from home

Report 29 Oct 2004

Violence and mortality in West Darfur: excerpts from the four MSF surveys

Project Update 1 Oct 2004

MSF support programmes for sexual violence victims among Darfur's displaced

Project Update 16 Sep 2004

Despite heavy mobilization of aid in Darfur, the situation remains fragile and assistance must continue

Project Update 15 Sep 2004
Advanced HIV management in Homa Bay
Medical Resource

MSF Field Research

We produce important research based on our field experience. So far, we have published articles in over 100 peer-reviewed journals. These articles have often changed clinical practice and have been used for humanitarian advocacy. All of these articles can be found on our dedicated Field Research website.

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