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MSF Japan GD's Visit to Bangladesh

Rohingya refugee crisis

A Rohingya woman fills a pot with drinking water at a water point in Kutupalong-Balukhali camp in Cox’s Bazar. Bangladesh, July 2022.
© Elizabeth Costa/MSF
Legally stateless, with very limited options or rights in any country where they have sought refuge, the Rohingya are extremely vulnerable.

The Rohingya people are one of the most persecuted minority groups in the world. Today, they are forced to live life on the margins of society or in confined camps. They often experience sexual violence, repeated infectious diseases, child or bonded labour, arbitrary arrest, detention, or even forced deportation.

Following a concerted campaign of extreme violence and killings by the Myanmar authorities against Rohingya people in Myanmar’s Rakhine state in August 2017, around 770,000 Rohingya fled to Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. One million Rohingya now live in camps in Cox's Bazar, in dire conditions.

Rohingya who remain in Myanmar, and those who have made the often-perilous journey by boat to Malaysia, also face grave challenges. Rohingya people in all three countries face severe restrictions on their freedom of movement and significant barriers to accessing healthcare.


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7 May 2018