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Launch of Emergency Preparedness Hub (or E-Hub) project
MSF Indonesia E-Hub

The E-Hub (Capacity Building Hub for Emergency Preparedness and Response)

Participants are learning to create a map using QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System) in Basic Mapping in Emergency in Pandeglang Banten, Indonesia.
© Andrea Ciocca/MSF

About the E-Hub

The E-Hub (Capacity Building Hub for Emergency Preparedness and Response) aims to develop learning opportunities for health crisis and disaster responders

The E-Hub project, known as the Capacity Building Hub for Emergency Preparedness and Response, is dedicated to creating educational opportunities for health crisis and disaster responders. The primary goal is to enhance community resilience, preparedness, and the responders' ability to handle emergencies professionally within Indonesia.

Currently, we are actively involved in four specific domains, which were jointly identified with the Ministry of Health (MoH). These domains address gaps where Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) can share its institutional expertise:

  • Medical Emergency (including EMT (Emergency Medical Team) setup, mass casualty incident management, outbreak management)
  • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in emergency contexts and non-specialized counselling for impacted population
  • Data Management and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in emergency situations (basic and intermediate skills)
  • Environmental Health (focusing on Water Hygiene and Sanitation, and Waste Management for healthcare facilities) during emergencies

Our target audience for these training programs includes emergency responders from Province and District Health Offices, Primary Health Centers (Puskesmas), Public Hospitals, universities, local NGOs, and other relevant agencies who works in emergency preparedness and responses across the Jakarta, Banten, and Aceh provinces; the MoH staff, including MSF (both staff and peers) and other humanitarian actors.

For the coming year, we are going to expand the geographical coverage for E-Hub to the other two provinces agreed with MoH, i.e. West Sulawesi and Maluku. 

The E-Hub Domains

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the Ministry of Health's Health Crisis Center (MoH PKK) are engaged in the E-Hub initiative. This project establishes a Capacity Building Hub dedicated to enhancing the skills of health crisis and disaster responders, enabling them to effectively address emergencies with professionalism. In 2023, we introduced training programs in four distinct domains through our 2023 initiative.

E-Hub Project in Numbers

From March 2023 - July 2024

Current Work area
Banten Province Map
01 / 03

Banten Province

Banten Province, located in western Java, Indonesia, is a region that harmoniously blends tradition and progress. Home to thriving urban centers like Tangerang and Serang, the province boasts a significant economic contribution to Indonesia's growth. Banten's population of over 11 million people experiences a range of challenges, including a high susceptibility to natural disasters such as floods and coastal hazards due to its coastal location.

E-Hub Facilitators

Dr. Muhammad Syahrimal Ishak
Muhammad Syahrimal Ishak
Jane Luvena Pietra
Jane Luvena Pietra
Aditya Rakhmat
Aditya Rakhmat
Richard Lokollo
Richard Lokollo
A Putera Pratama Mangewa
A Putera Pratama Mangewa
Arif Sunanto
Arif Sunanto
Tommy OTP Onsent
Tommy OTP Onsent

E-Hub Team

Gabriele Santi
Gabriele Santi
Dr. Tutut Sri Purwanti
Dr. Tutut Sri Purwanti
Rizki Aulianisa
Rizki Aulianisa
