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Climate emergency

A family looks after their cattle in a dry, arid area of Hadjer Lamis province. Because of a lack of rain and a very bad harvest this year in the Sahel region, it has become difficult for famers to feed their animals. Chad, December 2021.
© Claudia Blume/MSF
The health impacts of a changing climate are already a burden for many people in the world, including those we assist.

We work in some of the most climate-vulnerable settings in the world, responding to many of the world’s most urgent crises – conflict, extreme weather events, disease outbreaks, and displacement. These are settings where people already lack access to, or are excluded from, basic healthcare. These people are also the least responsible for the emissions that drive climate change. But the climate emergency aggravates some humanitarian crises and their subsequent healthcare consequences, which impact on people in these vulnerable settings the most.

As a medical organisation, it is beyond our field of expertise to define what causes many of the events that we then respond to. And while our teams in some places have noticed changes over the years, existing scientific evidence clearly points out that we will be seeing further rising temperatures and sea levels, and more frequent and intense extreme weather events.

Learn how we are mitigating our own contribution to the climate emergency and reducing our carbon footprint.

What are we seeing and doing?

A lot of the consequences of climate change – floods, droughts, severe storms – are not new problems. But the climate emergency is causing an intensification of these events, both in severity and frequency. We were already responding to the fallout from these extreme weather events, but we anticipate that they will get worse in the years to come.
Climate change affects all of us - FULL Video - ENGLISH

Climate change affects all of us

Climate change affects all of us

Climate change - or the climate emergency - affects all of us, in direct and indirect ways. It impacts diseases such as malaria and malnutrition, and can contribute to conflict and displacement. The climate crisis is also a health and humanitarian crisis.

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