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Damaged buildings in Chernihiv

War in Ukraine

War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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In late February 2022, Russian forces attacked multiple cities across Ukraine, leading to full-scale war.

The intense fighting has led to 5.9 million people leaving Ukraine and becoming refugees in Europe.* Within Ukraine, over 3.6 million people remain displaced by the war.**

As war continues across Ukraine and people flee, our teams are responding to a severe humanitarian crisis, both in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries.

We currently have approximately 74 international and 567 Ukrainian staff working in response to the war in Ukraine. They work as medical staff (surgeons, doctors, nurses); psychologists; logisticians and administrators.

*United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, February 2023
**International Organization for Migration, January 2023

How we are responding


Hospital on rails

MSF/Andrii Ovod
In Ukraine, MSF Works in Partnership with Local Groups

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Project Update 8 Jul 2022
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War in Ukraine

Дані та розповіді пацієнтів MSF свідчать про постійні невибіркові напади на цивільних в Україні

Press Release 22 Jun 2022
Mental health issues across Ukraine
War in Ukraine

«Це не серцевий біль, це душевний біль» – Потреби психічного здоров’я в Україні

Project Update 2 Jun 2022
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3 June 2022