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Treating multi drug resistant TB and HIV/AIDS in Manipur, India

Access to medicines

Unaffordable, unavailable, not adapted - people around the world face these challenges in accessing lifesaving medicines.

During the 1990s, MSF teams made a bitter observation: we were failing to treat some of our patients suffering from infectious diseases, while in developed countries, remarkable progress was being made in the field of health. Two decades on, medicines in developing countries are still either too expensive, aren't suitable to be used in many of the contexts in which we work (for example, in hot, humid conditions or where there's a lack of electricity), or simply don't exist for the diseases we need to treat.

In 1999, we launched the Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, now known as the Access Campaign. Its mission focuses on three areas: overcoming barriers to access to essential medicines, stimulating research and development for neglected diseases, promoting health exceptions to global trade agreements.

In 2003, MSF joined several research institutes, including the Institut Pasteur, to create the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), a non-profit research and development organisation engaged in research and development of new treatments for neglected diseases.


MSF Access Campaign
Eshowe Rural COVID-19 Response
Access to medicines

Governments must act fast on consensus supporting historic move to suspend monopolies during pandemic

Press Release 15 Dec 2020
COVID-19 Intervention: National Public Health Laboratory, Juba
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Governments must support landmark proposal to waive COVID-19 patents

Press Release 19 Nov 2020
COVID-19 Intervention: National Public Health Laboratory, Juba
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Governments must demand pharma make all COVID-19 vaccine deals public

Press Release 11 Nov 2020
Doctor iilaya talking to patient pramod in the HFNC ward
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MSF supports India and South Africa ask to waive COVID-19 patent rights

Press Release 7 Oct 2020
MSF Hospital in Bangassou, CAR
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Diagnostic company Cepheid charging four times more than it should for COVID-19 tests

Press Release 28 Jul 2020
TB treatments yield promising results in the Chechen Republic
Access to medicines

Governments must scale up better TB treatment as J&J drops crucial drug price

Press Release 6 Jul 2020
MSF COVID-19 Response in Lebanon
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

“COVID-19 has brought suffering to people everywhere, but its impact is not shared equally”

Speech 10 Jun 2020
Covid unit at G point hospital
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Any future COVID-19 vaccines must be sold at cost and accessible to all

Press Release 3 Jun 2020
Cholera vaccination in Kyangwali

Overcoming barriers so vaccines can save lives

Project Update 29 Apr 2020
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30 August 2019