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East Aleppo

Attacks on medical care

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Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan, and more; health facilities have been attacked, looted and destroyed.

Patients have been killed in their beds; health workers have been attacked as they rescued the wounded. A hospital is where the most vulnerable, the sick and injured, gather in times of war. Attacks against medical facilities and health workers, whether deliberate or indiscriminate, are part of generalised violence and atrocities committed against civilians in armed conflict. They deprive people of health services, often when they need them the most.

Mass-casualty influx northern Syria

The fear is constant

Voices from the Field 10 Mar 2016
East Damascus - voice from the field

Everyone is fatigued with the fear and deaths – a doctor in a Damascus suburb

Voices from the Field 10 Mar 2016
Barrel bombing of MSF Supported Hospital

The feeling of powerlessness is excruciating, but I cannot abandon my people

Voices from the Field 9 Mar 2016
MSF-supported hospital in northern Syria destroyed in attack

War-wounded and war-dead in Syria – medical data provides a stark warning that 2015 must not be repeated

Press Release 9 Mar 2016
South Sudan - Pibor violence and looting
South Sudan

Looming medical crisis in Pibor following devastating violence and looting of MSF medical compound

Press Release 4 Mar 2016
South Sudan - Pibor violence and looting
South Sudan

Fear, worry but also relief; a week of extraordinary violence and courage in Pibor

Project Update 4 Mar 2016
North Yemen: living under daily coalition airstrikes

Crisis update – 3 March 2016

Crisis Update 3 Mar 2016
Fighting in Malakal, South Sudan
South Sudan

MSF condemns outrageous attack in UN protection site in Malakal

Press Release 2 Mar 2016
Northern Yemen, Oct15-Feb16

Practising medicine under fire

Voices from the Field 26 Feb 2016
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30 April 2021