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Malaria and malnutrition in South Sudan, Bentiu PoC, Sept 2015 Brendan Bannon.
Kume is a three year old boy tested positive for malari. He had a fever of 39.7 when his family brought him into the hospital at Bentiu POC. 
© Brendan Bannon

Malaria in Bentiu, South Sudan

Kume is a three year old boy tested positive for malari. He had a fever of 39.7 when his family brought him into the hospital at Bentiu POC. 
© Brendan Bannon

This past August and September 2015, MSF teams have treated as many as 4,000 malaria patients every week at its healthcare facilities in the Bentiu Protection of Civilians camp (PoC), a staggering 43-fold increase from the beginning of the year.

Limited access to basic healthcare and lack of early access to malaria diagnosis and treatment has resulted in many children arriving at the MSF hospital inside the PoC with severe malaria infections.

Last week, an average of three children died from malaria every day, after arriving in critical condition. 

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South Sudan
Project Update 21 September 2015