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Sidama mother and child project, Ethiopia
The mothers’ waiting houses in Chire and Mejo Woredas have brought joy to many women of Sidama. 
© Matthias Steinbach

Gallery: Mother and child healthcare project in Sidama

The mothers’ waiting houses in Chire and Mejo Woredas have brought joy to many women of Sidama. 
© Matthias Steinbach

Since 2012, MSF has been running a mother and child healthcare project in Sidama Zone of SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region) in Ethiopia. MSF will, end of October 2014, hand-over the project to the Ministry of Health and regional authorities. MSF has mainly been working in the two Woredas (divisions) of Chire and Mejo.

In collaboration with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health, MSF has been able to save the lives of many women and children and curb preventable morbidities. Since the intervention began, more than 12,000 women have benefited from Antenatal- and postnatal care, over 2,000 pregnant women have delivered in safe conditions and more than 1,500 children with complicated severe malnutrition have been treated in the stabilisation centres in Chire and Mejo.