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MSF treats malaria cases in Dan Issa, southern Niger
Children suffering from malaria receive anti-malarial drugs that they must take for 3 days and, if they are malnourished, several doses of an edible read-to-use nutritious paste that makes them put on weight. Children in less serious condition go back home and return to the health centre a week later to make sure the treatment is working.
© KRISHAN Cheyenne/MSF

MSF treats malaria cases in Dan Issa, southern Niger

Children suffering from malaria receive anti-malarial drugs that they must take for 3 days and, if they are malnourished, several doses of an edible read-to-use nutritious paste that makes them put on weight. Children in less serious condition go back home and return to the health centre a week later to make sure the treatment is working.
© KRISHAN Cheyenne/MSF

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) collaborates with national authorities and other NGOs (FORSANI, Befem/Alima) to reduce under-five mortality in several regions of Niger, with a particular focus on the management of children with severe malnutrition and malaria.

Aiming to complement treatment with prevention, MSF also conducted a seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) campaign in the Sahel region (Tahoua, Zinder and Maradi) for the second year running, reaching a total of 447,500 people. SMC involves the administration of antimalarial treatment. It is used alongside common methods of mosquito bite prevention such as nets and has been proven to significantly reduce the incidence of malaria in children under the age of five.