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Ethiopia: “If seriously ill people can’t get to hospital, you can imagine the consequences”
MSF welcomes reversal of the Global Gag Rule on safe abortion
Abandoned at the borders: stories of people on the move during winter
South Kivu: An endless flight
Malawi is overwhelmed by second wave of COVID-19
No more neglected diseases, no more neglected patients
Displaced people in Bouar living amid fear and growing needs
Overcoming neglect: Finding ways to manage and control NTDs
Relocations, reduced services leave Rohingya communities at breaking point in Bangladesh
COVID-19 leaves Amazonas health system saturated, overloaded and struggling
Falling international funding exposes communities in Jonglei to a lack of healthcare
Yemen: “These sanctions have to make clear that they do not apply to humanitarian aid”
MSF teams ramp up support as violence escalates
Providing assistance to people in Ethiopia and Sudan in wake of Tigray violence
Responding to the second wave of COVID-19 in Switzerland
Fractioning doses of yellow fever vaccine can help save more lives
Overlapping crises in Lebanon increase needs and worsen access to care
Patient dies after an MSF ambulance is violently detained in Mali
“For one year no one came here” to provide medical care in the West Bank
MSF provides care in post-election attacks in Bangassou, CAR
Shooting shows civilians continue to pay high price for the perpetual cycle of violence in CAR
Trying to survive a three-year nightmare in Mozambique
Medical care at arm’s length: the continuous struggle of the people of Ouaka
“Services for the refugees need to increase, otherwise it will be a disaster”
How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.