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In the bush in Central African Republic
High COVID-19 rates found among people living in extreme hardship in Paris
Enough is enough: new pact, same misery for refugees
European policies of deterrence and containment degrade human life
Young biotechnologists at the forefront of the COVID-19 response
Proposed changes to US Global Gag Rule threaten wider harm to women
COVID-19 outbreak in Baghdad is “very alarming”
Heavy floods threaten the lives of thousands of people in Greater Pibor
Ten-fold increase in COVID-19 cases adds new challenges in northwest Syria
Tackling COVID-19 in Hebron, the epicentre of the outbreak in Palestine
COVID-19 and rural South Africa
Detainment of fifth search and rescue ship in five months condemns people to die at sea
“Enough is enough”: Time to stop the cycle of suffering for refugees on Greek islands
Challenging times in Old Fangak
MSF works to prevent spread of COVID-19 among indigenous people in Mato Grosso do Sul
In times of COVID-19, malaria remains the number one killer of children in CAR
Snakes, ladders and COVID-19: Pakistan
MSF hands over long-running HIV project in Yangon to ministry of health
All people in Moria camp must be evacuated to safety in wake of destructive fire
Meeting regular health needs amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan
“Children can draw assault rifles better than a football” in Borno state
“The explosion did not distinguish between its victims and neither should the aid response”
Responding to new Ebola outbreak in Équateur province
Greek police enforce unwarranted and cruel quarantine of Moria camp on Lesbos
How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.