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Malnutrition: How Much Is Being Spent? An analysis of nutrition funding flows 2004 - 2007
MSF responds to serious kala azar outbreak in southern Sudan
MSF vaccination used as bait in unacceptable attack on civilians
Punishing success? Early signs of a retreat from commitment to HIV/AIDS care and treatment
MSF assists newly displaced people in Shangil Tobaya
Adapting to changing needs one month after the Indonesian earthquake
TB and HIV/AIDS in Swaziland
Overcrowded cells and deteriorating living conditions cause tension inside Pagani Detention Center
New people displaced by the armed conflict in the Nariño department
Struck twice by tropical storms, MSF works with the most vulnerable
The emergency phase is mostly over. We are now entering the recovery stage.
The underfunding of TB research across Europe
Razeh hospital hit by rocket fire, MSF calls for respect of health care facilities
Flood waters in India recede but humanitarian needs remain
Malaria: Introducing ACT from Asia to Africa
MSF mobiles teams providing emergency assistance in newly flooded area in the northern Philippines
No guns, no fees in Ahmed Shah Baba hospital, Kabul
MSF requests permission for international medical teams to set up assistance in Dera Ismael Khan
A daily challenge for MSF to adapt its activities
MSF teams assessing the situation in the northern Philippines as typhoon Parma loops back
Severe floods leave millions homeless in southern India
South Pacific region rocked by typhoons and earthquakes
MSF teams work to access regions most isolated after Indonesian earthquake
Flood affected communities in Philippines still very vulnerable
How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.