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Global commitments to stop killer diseases put to the test – lives are hanging in the balance

MSF operations in Iraq

Strengthening quality of care in a health system destabilized by years of conflict

With the Calais ‘Jungle’ about to be dismantled, what will become of unaccompanied minors?

As armed conflict intensifies once again, seeking medical care is dangerous

Patient stories, malnutrition in Bokoro region

Recurring malnutrition, a silent epidemic devastating the country

The naked truth

MSF urges governments to set medical research policies that align with people’s health needs

Providing guidance to ensure high quality care

A very normal birth in dangerously abnormal conditions

MSF assists hundreds of newly displaced people in eastern Diffa

Healthcare at breaking point

Everyone here is very confused; we do not know what to expect

You are so close, yet so very far because you are unable to reach those in need

We cannot go and leave our people behind; we do not have the right to leave them alone

We are under attack almost every day; life has become almost impossible

Malnutrition is the biggest problem in Bama

Patient story - Nyajuba

Lights off... and on again! Solar energy for a sustainable Shamwana
Saving Lives and Staying Alive

Much work remains to improve access to healthcare

MSF Paediatric Days

Vesico vaginal fistula camp living with dignity in solidarity

How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.