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MSF outreach activities in Boma, GPAA
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Cholera response in Khamer, Amran hospital

Endemic in Yemen, cholera still hits Yemenis hard

Project Update 5 Jun 2019
Medical activities in Hodeidah, Al Salakhana  hospital

A day treating wounded in Yemen's Al Salakhana hospital

Project Update 30 May 2019
Dengue fever epidemic - San Pedro Sula, Honduras

MSF expands efforts to control dengue epidemic in northern Honduras

Project Update 29 May 2019
MSF Mobile Clinics and Tea Teams Somali Region

Bringing healthcare to places where no health posts exist

Project Update 27 May 2019
Influx of wounded patients in Sica hospital in Bangui
Central African Republic

“It felt like it was raining bullets” in attacks on villages that kill over 50

Voices from the Field 24 May 2019
 MSF on the migration route to Mexico
Central American migration

“Mexico is not an option for my family to stay”

Project Update 24 May 2019
One-shot intervention in Menka, North-West Region of Cameroon

Five things to know about the violence in North-West and South-West Cameroon

Project Update 23 May 2019
Arnal Lual, a snakebite patient in the post-op ward

WHO launches strategy to cut snakebite deaths and disabilities in half

Press Release 23 May 2019
Aguek Deng, a snakebite patient in the post-op ward

Antivenom, not frogs, needed to cure snakebite

Project Update 21 May 2019
Paediatric TB Care - Dushanbe

Breaking the cycle: Paediatric DR-TB detection, care and treatment in Tajikistan

Report 17 May 2019
Measles outbreak in Maiduguri

“I have not seen such high numbers of measles cases”

Project Update 17 May 2019
Al Hol camp, Al Hassakeh Governorate

Women and children continue to suffer in northeast Syria’s Al Hol camp

Press Release 16 May 2019
One year after the “bloodbath” of 14 May

Gaza, one year after the protests’ bloodiest day

Project Update 14 May 2019
The “big road” in Cox’s Bazar
Rohingya refugee crisis

Crisis update - May 2019

Crisis Update 14 May 2019
Goyalmara Hospital
Rohingya refugee crisis

Saving lives that have just begun in Cox’s Bazar

Project Update 13 May 2019
Distribution of NFI in remote areas

Update on MSF emergency response to Cyclones Idai and Kenneth

Crisis Update 13 May 2019
Violence and neglect in the remote northeast of South Sudan
South Sudan

New hospital in Ulang for people affected by violence and neglect

Project Update 10 May 2019
MSF restarts HIV-related activities in Beira after the Cyclone Idai

Treating HIV in the cyclone-devastated city of Beira: “We cannot abandon them”

Project Update 9 May 2019
Condemned to drown at sea or be locked up in Libya

More than medicine: A look at mental health needs in detention

Voices from the Field 9 May 2019
MSF Response Measles Vaccination (Am Timan District)

Measles epidemic declared in May 2018, still not under control one year on

Project Update 8 May 2019
Vaccination in Mingala
Central African Republic

"We have not seen any doctors in Mingala for more than two years"

Project Update 7 May 2019
SW project Malawi MWANZA
Photo Story

The sex workers on the frontlines of the HIV response

6 May 2019
Photo Story
Sexual reproductive health services in Bourj Al Barajneh Camp, South Beirut

Empowered midwives, satisfied mothers – midwife-led care in Lebanon

Voices from the Field 3 May 2019
الدمار الذي ألحقه إعصار كينيث

MSF responds as second cyclone hits Mozambique

Project Update 1 May 2019
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
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