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MSF outreach activities in Boma, GPAA
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MSF assisting thousands as worst flooding in decades hits parts of the country

Project Update 4 Aug 2015

One year after fleeing violence, families in northern Iraq still live in uncertainty

Voices from the Field 3 Aug 2015
South Sudan

Health risks increasing for people in Bentiu Protection of Civilian Camp

Voices from the Field 3 Aug 2015
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF has vaccinated over 287,000 children against measles in four provinces

Project Update 3 Aug 2015
Yemen: Emergency surgical Unit in Aden

The Steady Bleed: MSF Briefs on the Collapse of Healthcare in War-torn Yemen

Report 1 Aug 2015

28,500 children vaccinated against measles

Project Update 31 Jul 2015
MSF Ebola Vaccine Clinical Trial
Haemorrhagic fevers

Getting closer to an Ebola vaccine

Voices from the Field 31 Jul 2015
Amran Refugee Camp
Photo Story

Gallery: Devastation in Yemen – Sa'ada, Amran, Sana'a, June 2015

31 Jul 2015
Photo Story
South Sudan

Activity Update June 2015

Crisis Update 31 Jul 2015

130,000 refugees vaccinated against cholera in the overcrowded Nyarugusu camp

Press Release 30 Jul 2015
Acapulco Sexual Violence

Acapulco's population is exposed to violence on a daily basis

Voices from the Field 29 Jul 2015

War Crimes and Severe Shortages

Opinion 29 Jul 2015
Malawi Prisons - Chichiri and Maula
Photo Story

Gallery: Inside Chichiri and Maula Prisons in Malawi

28 Jul 2015
Photo Story

The cholera test and why the Kenyan health system has failed

Voices from the Field 27 Jul 2015
Democratic Republic of Congo

The Rose of Masisi

Project Update 27 Jul 2015

Detained for having a dream

Voices from the Field 24 Jul 2015

MSF continues its activities in Timbuktu despite insecurity

Project Update 24 Jul 2015
South Sudan

MSF calls for urgent humanitarian access to Upper Nile state

Press Release 23 Jul 2015

“Our team is working all the time, because IDPs arrive every week.”

Voices from the Field 23 Jul 2015
Treating multi drug resistant TB and HIV/AIDS in Manipur, India
Access to medicines

TPP negotiators must fix the most damaging trade agreement ever for global health

Press Release 23 Jul 2015

A tale of a desperate midwife

Voices from the Field 23 Jul 2015
South Sudan

Patient tells of cholera recovery at new MSF Cholera Treatment Centre in Juba

Voices from the Field 22 Jul 2015

Three months after the earthquakes, MSF reduces operations

Project Update 22 Jul 2015

As HIV burden overwhelmingly shifts to ‘middle-income’ countries, access to affordable medicines is under threat

Press Release 22 Jul 2015
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
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Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.


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