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MSF outreach activities in Boma, GPAA
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Mobile clinics catch routine and unique injuries that are on the rise in Haiti after the earthquake

Project Update 23 Jan 2010

Surgery in Haiti remains the focus but mobile clinics and clean water expand MSF scope

Project Update 22 Jan 2010

Paul McMaster: Equipment needed to save lives was here - then sent away

Project Update 21 Jan 2010

Ten surgical tents with 130 operations every day - and capacity is being increased

Project Update 21 Jan 2010

An 'unacceptable situation' in Haiti as redirected air shipments slow capacity, response and treatment

Project Update 20 Jan 2010

Saving time and lives, Trinity Hospital, Haiti

Project Update 20 Jan 2010

Trying to save lives in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti

Project Update 19 Jan 2010

MSF plane with lifesaving medical supplies diverted from landing in Haiti

Press Release 19 Jan 2010

Major reinforcements of key staff in Haiti bring some aid, but essential supplies still in need and demands remain

Project Update 18 Jan 2010

MSF demands deployment of lifesaving medical equipment given priority.

Press Release 17 Jan 2010

MSF continues to scale up activities in Haiti amidst enormous levels of injuries

Project Update 17 Jan 2010

Stretched to the limit, transport proving difficult and needs remain high in Haiti

Project Update 17 Jan 2010

Race against time in Haiti to meet severe needs brings expanding surgical scope

Project Update 15 Jan 2010

Makeshift medical facilities treat wounded but transport infrastructure slows essential supplies and staff

Project Update 15 Jan 2010

As MSF continues life saving activities in Somalia, Belet Weyne hospital hit by a mortar

Press Release 14 Jan 2010

MSF aid worker rescued from Haiti rubble after almost 24 hours

Project Update 14 Jan 2010

MSF readying temporary facilities to treat large medical demands after quake

Project Update 14 Jan 2010
Democratic Republic of Congo

Thousands from the DRC who escaped massacre remain unprotected in neighbouring states

Press Release 13 Jan 2010

MSF creates tent medical facilities in post-quake Haiti

Project Update 13 Jan 2010

Hundreds injured and serious damage to medical facilities after Haiti earthquake

Project Update 13 Jan 2010

Violence in southern Italy exposes extreme neglect and exploitation of seasonal migrant workers

Press Release 12 Jan 2010

At Haiti's cholera outbreak, treatment continues and assessments underway in north

Project Update 11 Jan 2010

Despite clashes, MSF continues activities in the Galgadud region of Somalia

Project Update 6 Jan 2010

Starved for Attention: A Radical New Vision Of Malnutrition

Press Release 6 Jan 2010
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
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