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MSF outreach activities in Boma, GPAA
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Uganda overwhelmed as tens of thousands flee violence in South Sudan

Testimonies from Bidi Bidi refugee camp

Voices from the Field 17 Nov 2016
Tanzania Refugee Crisis - November 2016

Urgent increase in assistance needed as refugee camps now full

Project Update 16 Nov 2016
Healthcare in Boguila, Central African Republic
Central African Republic

Testimonies from MSF patients and staff

Voices from the Field 16 Nov 2016
Kabo, Health Centre, CAR
Central African Republic

A protracted crisis that must not be forgotten

Project Update 16 Nov 2016
Medical activities in Bentiu PoC, South Sudan, 2016
South Sudan

Testimonies from Bentiu protection of civilians site

Voices from the Field 16 Nov 2016
Medical activities in Bentiu PoC, South Sudan, 2016
South Sudan

Medical situation remains fragile in Bentiu protection of civilians site

Project Update 16 Nov 2016
East Aleppo

Doctors under siege

Crisis Update 15 Nov 2016
East Aleppo

Besiegement and bombing of east Aleppo is deepening a desperate health crisis

Voices from the Field 15 Nov 2016
Uganda overwhelmed as tens of thousands flee violence in South Sudan

Country overwhelmed as tens of thousands flee violence in South Sudan

Crisis Update 15 Nov 2016
Vaccination against pneumonia
Access to medicines

MSF welcomes Pfizer's pneumonia vaccine price reduction for children in humanitarian emergencies

Press Release 14 Nov 2016
"Because Tomorrow Needs Her" communications project - Unsafe abortion in Haiti
Women's health

Safe abortion: An integral part of healthcare services for women

Interview 11 Nov 2016
Situation in Borno state, November 2016

I kept telling the team “it’s all about food”

Voices from the Field 11 Nov 2016
Journal article

Palliative Care in Humanitarian Crises

11 Nov 2016
Journal article

Record number of babies born on hospital’s one-year anniversary

Project Update 10 Nov 2016
MSF delivers $17m to Pfizer to get them to drop the price of the pneumonia vaccine
A Fair Shot

World Pneumonia Day Call-A-Thon today!

Campaign 9 Nov 2016

Providing mental healthcare to stranded asylum seekers

Voices from the Field 9 Nov 2016
Bangassou - multi antigen vaccination campaign.
Access to Healthcare

The reality of pneumonia

Voices from the Field 9 Nov 2016

It has taken four years and 20 surgical operations to repair the damage

Voices from the Field 8 Nov 2016
October on board of Dignity I
Photo Story

October - A merciless month on the Mediterranean

4 Nov 2016
Photo Story
Play Therapy in Tajikistan

Stories from MSF's paediatric TB projects

Project Update 4 Nov 2016
MSF Chagas project in Aiquile, Bolivia

MSF develops an information system for exterminating the bugs that transmit Chagas

Project Update 4 Nov 2016
The boy who lost his memory

Severe shortages in east Aleppo put children’s lives at risk

Project Update 3 Nov 2016
Bangassou - General context 2016
Central African Republic

Great humanitarian need, little international attention

Project Update 1 Nov 2016
Lake Tchad Crisis: Responding to the humanitarian consequences of violence  (Extreme North Cameroon)
Lake Chad Crisis

Lake Chad: Years of Forgotten Crisis 31 Oct 2016
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
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How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance

Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.


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