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MSF response to Moria Fire
Refugees and asylum seekers leave Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, the day after a fire destroyed most of it. Greece, September 2020.
© Enri CANAJ/Magnum

Open letter to Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner of Home Affairs

Refugees and asylum seekers leave Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesbos, the day after a fire destroyed most of it. Greece, September 2020.
© Enri CANAJ/Magnum

EU Commissioner Johansson,

You tell us you are coming to Lesbos and Samos to prepare for next winter, but you plan to implement the same policies that have created only suffering for the past five years since the EU-Turkey deal.

This isn’t the first winter where men, women, and children seeking protection in Europe have to live in miserable tents in the cold and the mud on Greece's islands. Five devastating winters have passed since Europe started trapping people on the islands. Five winters that have led to destitution, traumatisation, and even to the death of people trapped in EU-funded reception centres.

Let’s be clear: the situation on the Greek islands today is not due to lack of winter preparedness. On the ground, we and others are here dealing with the terrible consequences of the EU's containment policy and we have seen this crisis unfold before our eyes. We have provided evidence of how it affects people whose only wish is safety and stability - just like you and just like any of us. If you are unwilling to hold yourself and the EU governments accountable for this continued harm and neglect, we are ready to take on this role.

Since 2017, we have been dealing with a permanent mental health emergency in the island camps. Among our patients there are children who fall into despair, they stop talking, eating, and playing, and they resort to self-harm. Did you know that last year alone, we treated at least 50 children who were self-harming or had thoughts about suicide on Lesbos? In January, three more kids tried to kill themselves. In 2020, our psychologists in Samos, treated 254 new patients, and half of them mentioned suicidal ideation or thinking about death during their first session. It is not only the harsh conditions that have a detrimental consequence on people’s mental health; it is also your containment policy, the lack of safety, on-going limbo, and fear of being returned to unsafe places.

Over the past five years, we have treated hundreds of survivors of violence and torture who, after months in the European-funded hotspots, fell into absolute despair. Several of them are still here, without protection, sharing tents with absolute strangers, suffering from chronic pain and recurrent flashbacks from their current and previous traumatic experiences, trapped in a never-ending cycle of re-traumatisation.

In Samos, MSF is providing safe water for thousands of people living in the camp. Can you believe that we are having to provide clean water to people in the EU, one of the richest blocs of countries in the world?

None of this is an unintended consequence nor an issue of lack of capacity or resources: the conditions on the Greek Islands are supposed to be a deterrent to those still thinking of attempting the journey. Ms Johansson, this isn't the first time you attempt a positive spin on what is, in reality, a disastrous situation.

After the fire that destroyed Moria last September, you said “no more Morias”, yet more camps are being built. On several occasions before that, we have heard the EU speaking about the right to seek asylum, and respectful asylum and return procedures. You even talked about solidarity among European countries. So, when you tell us today you are coming with solutions, forgive us for not believing a word you say.

You came here to promise better conditions in the new camps. However, you fail to address the root of the problem. As long as the EU prioritises containing and returning migrants at the EU external border over protection and dignified reception, those seeking safety in Europe will continue to suffer.

Ms Johansson, playing with words to brush over the same harmful policy is not convincing any more. You cannot repackage the same destructive ideas and tell us they will be more humane.

We have said it before: if you are really committed to properly resolving this crisis and protecting the lives and the rights of the people fleeing their countries seeking safety, it is time to hold European governments accountable. It is time to demand dignified alternatives to camps, allow access to a fair and dignified asylum procedure, and ensure adequate and tailored health care adapted to the needs of people fleeing violence, conflict and trauma.

If you insist, for the sake of political compromise, on promoting and replicating the same model that have created so much harm and suffering, your "No more Morias" will be only empty words and slogans. And new Morias will continue to be built again and again.

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