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Each year, malaria kills around 600,000 people. 80 per cent of all deaths are children under five years of age.

The disease is easy enough to treat, but access to the most effective treatments remains inadequate. Over 95 per cent of all malaria deaths occur on the African continent. Impregnated mosquito nets are expensive and out of reach for many. The parasite which causes malaria is beginning to show resistance in parts of Asia to the most effective drug we have. And there are no new drugs in the development pipeline, meaning we could be left without effective options in the future.


Quick facts about malaria

Seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Madaoua

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention - “It’s not a miracle cure, but it is an effective preventative strategy”

Project Update 25 Apr 2014
Journal article

Can Timely Vector Control Interventions Triggered by Atypical Environmental Conditions Prevent Malaria Epidemics? A Case-Study from Wajir County, Kenya

3 Apr 2014
Journal article
Journal article

Plasmodium falciparum clearance in clinical studies of artesunate-amodiaquine and comparator treatments in sub-Saharan Africa, 1999–2009

25 Mar 2014
Journal article
IDP Camp Tomping, Juba, South Sudan
South Sudan

First rains exacerbate deplorable living conditions in Tomping camp, Juba

Project Update 19 Mar 2014
Tomping Camp, South Sudan
South Sudan

Extremely poor living conditions in Juba camp for the displaced

Project Update 28 Feb 2014
In Gore refugees who fled violence in CAR
Central African Republic

CAR Refugees in need of emergency food aid

Press Release 28 Feb 2014
Displaced families walking from Bentiu to Leer, South Sudan.
South Sudan

Insecurity in Leer has devastating consequences for those hiding in the bush

Project Update 11 Feb 2014
Bouza, Niger

“We are already getting ready for the next peak”

Voices from the Field 22 Jan 2014
South Sudan - Awerial camp in Lakes
South Sudan

75,000 shelter in desperate conditions on banks of the Nile

Project Update 8 Jan 2014

We produce important research based on our field experience. So far, we have published articles in over 100 peer-reviewed journals. These articles have often changed clinical practice and have been used for humanitarian advocacy. Read all our Malaria-related articles on our dedicated Field Research website.

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MSF Malaria Project in Cambodia