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Medical services continue at Haiti flood scene

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The medical needs in the city of Gonaives are considered to be well covered, according to MSF staff in the field. However needs continue. There are approximately 10 consultation points and 3,000 consultations are done on a daily basis, including 580 by MSF staff. In total, 46 doctors are operational. The field hospital (100 bed capacity) set up by the Norwegian Red Cross has been operational since end of last week.

MSF has a total team of 28 at the flood scene. In Gonaives, MSF is active at the Raboteau Health Center, with a daily consultation rate of more than 500, of which less than 40% are cuts. Currently, there is no epidemic. Some 400 children (age 6 months to 5 years) have been checked during consultation and there is no sign of malnutrition. At the health center, 12 to 15 Cuban doctors are working with MSF, notably doing smaller surgeries.

The MSF team, in total, is 28 people. The mental health team is continuing its work with consultations in Raboteau, group sessions with municipal staff in charge of gathering the the dead bodies, and with the rural population outside the city. In Port-de-Paix, MSF has started a mobile clinic at the end of last week, with 150 consultations outside the city. The MSF team has also started to support specific services at the Public Hospital of Port-de-Paix, concentrating on pediatrics, maternity and emergency care.