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Rotation 1 Rescue 6

Mediterranean migration

Every year, thousands of people fleeing war, persecution and poverty at home attempt the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. Countless lives are lost on the way.

Closing safe and legal options for people to reach Europe pushes them further into people smugglers' networks. In Libya, the detention of migrants and refugees is a thriving enterprise of kidnapping and extortion.

MSF is saving the lives of people trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea with our own search and rescue vessel, Geo Barents. We also provide assistance to people held in Libyan detention centres and those arriving in Europe.

Webclip - 3 Things to Know: Impact of Migration Policies (EN)

Webclip - 3 Things to Know: Impact of Migration Policies

3 things to know - the impact of migration policies

The EU's migration policies are having a direct impact across the Mediterranean Sea, while people are trying to flee dangerous conditions in Libya. Here are three ways that the EU's policies on migration impact on the lives of people trying to seek safety.

Rescue 3 - Rotation 5
Mediterranean migration

Ten more lives lost on the world’s deadliest migration route

Press Release 17 Nov 2021
Rescue 1 - Rotation 4
Mediterranean migration

Search and rescue: “They describe Libya as hell”

Voices from the Field 31 Oct 2021
Rescue 4 - Rotation 4
Mediterranean migration

Nearly 400 people rescued from the Mediterranean need a place of safety

Project Update 26 Oct 2021
Stories at sea
Mediterranean migration

Stories of survival at sea

Voices from the Field 1 Oct 2021
Detention Centres - Tripoli, Libya

Medical care resumes in Tripoli detention centres

Project Update 29 Sep 2021
Samos new centre

“We can only help our patients to survive” new camp on Samos

Opinion 17 Sep 2021
Mariam*, a woman originally from Afghanistan, who lives in Lesbos for two years.

One year on from Moria fire, EU denies dignity to migrants trapped on Greek islands

Project Update 10 Sep 2021
MSF SAR mission 2021 I R2 I Preparation
Mediterranean migration

MSF requests the revocation of the Geo Barents’ detention

Voices from the Field 23 Jul 2021
Geo Barents detention
Mediterranean migration

MSF is determined to return to sea to save lives after Geo Barents detained in Italy

Press Release 4 Jul 2021
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7 May 2018