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Mediterranean migration

Every year, thousands of people fleeing war, persecution and poverty at home attempt the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. Countless lives are lost on the way.

Closing safe and legal options for people to reach Europe pushes them further into people smugglers' networks. In Libya, the detention of migrants and refugees is a thriving enterprise of kidnapping and extortion.

MSF is saving the lives of people trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea with our own search and rescue vessel, Geo Barents. We also provide assistance to people held in Libyan detention centres and those arriving in Europe.

Webclip - 3 Things to Know: Impact of Migration Policies (EN)

Webclip - 3 Things to Know: Impact of Migration Policies

3 things to know - the impact of migration policies

The EU's migration policies are having a direct impact across the Mediterranean Sea, while people are trying to flee dangerous conditions in Libya. Here are three ways that the EU's policies on migration impact on the lives of people trying to seek safety.

Diplomatic Stand Off Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean migration

MSF urges immediate disembarkation of 629 people on board Aquarius at nearest port of safety

Press Release 12 Jun 2018
Aquarius Miracle
Mediterranean migration

A healthy baby boy called Miracle born on the Aquarius

Voices from the Field 27 May 2018
MSF assistance to migrants and refugees in Libya

The dangers refugees face fleeing

Interview 14 May 2018
Zwara, Libya

Time running out for 800 migrants and refugees in Zuwara detention centre

Statement 4 May 2018
Mobile Clinic - Moria Camp

Overcrowded, dangerous and insufficient access to healthcare in Moria

Statement 4 May 2018
The impossibility of hope: Asylum seekers still stranded in Greece
Photo Story

"Stolen hope" – Asylum seekers still stranded in Greece

22 Mar 2018
Photo Story
99 Survivors Rescued Sinking in Mediterranean Sea - Many Presumed Drowned
Mediterranean migration

European governments are obstructing lifesaving rescues and returning people to unsafe Libya

Statement 21 Mar 2018
Living Conditions in Lesbos, Greece

Two years on, deal continues to fail thousands of people seeking asylum

Statement 16 Mar 2018
Living Conditions in Lesbos, Greece

MSF activity update – March 2018

Project Update 16 Mar 2018
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7 May 2018