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Mediterranean migration

Every year, thousands of people fleeing war, persecution and poverty at home attempt the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. Countless lives are lost on the way.

Closing safe and legal options for people to reach Europe pushes them further into people smugglers' networks. In Libya, the detention of migrants and refugees is a thriving enterprise of kidnapping and extortion.

MSF is saving the lives of people trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea with our own search and rescue vessel, Geo Barents. We also provide assistance to people held in Libyan detention centres and those arriving in Europe.

Webclip - 3 Things to Know: Impact of Migration Policies (EN)

Webclip - 3 Things to Know: Impact of Migration Policies

3 things to know - the impact of migration policies

The EU's migration policies are having a direct impact across the Mediterranean Sea, while people are trying to flee dangerous conditions in Libya. Here are three ways that the EU's policies on migration impact on the lives of people trying to seek safety.

Message from Ocean Viking
Mediterranean migration

Ocean Viking rescue survivors finally offered place of safety

Press Release 23 Aug 2019
MSF medical activities on board
Mediterranean migration

“He just kept running, despite the wound and the bleeding”

Voices from the Field 22 Aug 2019
Ocean Viking First Rescue - August 9
Mediterranean migration

On board the Ocean Viking: “We feel humbled by their courage”

Voices from the Field 19 Aug 2019
Ocean Viking First Rescue - August 9
Mediterranean migration

Place of safety needed for 356 people rescued in Central Mediterranean

Press Release 13 Aug 2019
Aquarius__People leaving for Maltese boat
Mediterranean migration

Europe must act now to end preventable deaths in Libya and at sea

Op-Ed 6 Aug 2019
Trapped in Moria
Mediterranean migration

Libya shipwreck: “There are no words to describe their suffering”

Voices from the Field 26 Jul 2019
Airstrike Detention Center - Tajoura

“A night in which our worst fears would come to pass”

Voices from the Field 23 Jul 2019
Press Conference SAR relauch, Paris
Mediterranean migration

MSF resumes search and rescue operations with Ocean Viking

Speech 22 Jul 2019
Ocean Viking - Search and Rescue Activities New Ship
Mediterranean migration

MSF resumes search and rescue amid deteriorating conditions in Libya

Press Release 21 Jul 2019
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7 May 2018