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Mediterranean migration

Every year, thousands of people fleeing war, persecution and poverty at home attempt the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. Countless lives are lost on the way.

Closing safe and legal options for people to reach Europe pushes them further into people smugglers' networks. In Libya, the detention of migrants and refugees is a thriving enterprise of kidnapping and extortion.

MSF is saving the lives of people trying to cross the central Mediterranean Sea with our own search and rescue vessel, Geo Barents. We also provide assistance to people held in Libyan detention centres and those arriving in Europe.

Webclip - 3 Things to Know: Impact of Migration Policies (EN)

Webclip - 3 Things to Know: Impact of Migration Policies

3 things to know - the impact of migration policies

The EU's migration policies are having a direct impact across the Mediterranean Sea, while people are trying to flee dangerous conditions in Libya. Here are three ways that the EU's policies on migration impact on the lives of people trying to seek safety.

MMR Vaccination in Chios, Greece
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

"Migration is not a crime. Saving lives is not a crime"

Speech 11 Dec 2018
Condemned to drown at sea or be locked up in Libya

Open letter to the UN on the fate of refugees trapped in dangerous Libya

Open Letter 10 Dec 2018
Aquarius: denouncing and activity
Mediterranean migration

Aquarius forced to end operations as Europe condemns people to drown

Press Release 6 Dec 2018
Aquarius__People leaving for Maltese boat
Mediterranean migration

Spanish fishing boat blocked by EU authorities highlights search and rescue crisis

Press Release 29 Nov 2018
Condemned to drown at sea or be locked up in Libya

Over 80 refugees and migrants forcibly disembarked in Misrata after 10-day standoff

Statement 23 Nov 2018
Aquarius leaves Valencia to SAR
Mediterranean migration

Sinister attacks by Italian authorities on lifesaving search and rescue in the Mediterranean

Statement 20 Nov 2018
Aquarius: denouncing and activity
Mediterranean migration

Italian government pressures Panama to stop Aquarius rescues on world's deadliest maritime route

Press Release 23 Sep 2018
Trapped in Moria

Moria is in a state of emergency

Open Letter 17 Sep 2018
Trapped in Moria

Self-harm and attempted suicides increasing for child refugees in Lesbos

Press Release 17 Sep 2018
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7 May 2018