We continue to mourn the death of three of our colleagues who were working in Tigray region, Ethiopia, who were brutally murdered on 24 June.
María Hernández Matas, our emergency coordinator; Yohannes Halefom Reda, our assistant coordinator; and Tedros Gebremariam, our driver, were travelling in the Tigray region when we lost contact with them. On 25 June, their vehicle was found empty and a few metres away, their lifeless bodies.
In remembrance of our colleagues whom we lost too soon, we have collected some memories of their lives and humanitarian careers from their colleagues.
María Hernández Matas
María was 35 years old and from Madrid, but grew up in the village of Sanchotello, in Salamanca. She first worked for MSF in June 2015 as deputy financial coordinator in Central African Republic, then as financial coordinator in South Sudan (from October 2015) and in Yemen (from May 2017). Subsequently, María coordinated field projects in Yemen, Mexico, Nigeria, Central African Republic and finally in Ethiopia.

Words from Mayur Kale, who María replaced as MSF project coordinator in Abi Adi, in central Tigray, Ethiopia:
“María had a personality that forced you to remember her – for her dedication, her passion to do more, and for her black MSF cap, her long brown curls and her beautiful smile.
As a coordinator, María inspired staff and communities to work for the most vulnerable people. Her direct, always-smiling manner was not only an expression of her professionalism but also her incredible diplomatic skills. María was a person who knew what was needed and what had to be done. She was so connected to the community that the medical director of Axum hospital had tears in his eyes when he offered us his condolences.”
Words from María José Sagrado, MSF epidemiologist, who worked with María in Yemen:
“You were special, María. You had that ‘something’ that very few people have, that touches the heart and stays forever. You were a restless soul, always with a smile on your face and a clean, pure look; a great person and a wonderful woman. You will always be in our hearts. Rest in peace, my friend. Fly high!”
Words from MSF Mexico team:
“We are heartbroken. We can only thank María deeply for her enthusiasm and dedication during the year we were lucky enough to work with, share and learn from her. She left her mark on many of us. She shared her story with us and her permanent smile and energy were infectious.
She was a woman who did not stop. She travelled the country from north to south to help migrants and refugees. In just one year, she generated changes and inspired us with her commitment and dedication. Her legacy is her work and she will continue to be present in everything we do on the migrant route.”
You were special, María. You had that ‘something’ that very few people have, that touches the heart and stays forever.María José Sagrado, MSF epidemiologist
Words from Evrard Obawa, who worked with María in MSF’s emergency team in Central African Republic:
“Words fail me when I try to describe this brave and exceptional woman, who was always smiling and who had the ability to motivate and create a climate of trust in her team.
We continue to mourn María, who fell in the course of her humanitarian work. She confirmed it herself in her farewell message to our team when she left: ‘For you, who vaccinated every child that moved, who responded to the 'pregnancy epidemic' with good humour and always asked to do more, to go further ... If we can't get there by car, well then, we'll vaccinate by motorbike!’
Goodbye, María Hernández, go in peace, Charlie Tango, and may you rest in peace in the land of your ancestors.”
Words from Shinjiro Murata, general director of MSF Japan, who worked with María in South Sudan:
“María was a person with a warm heart, a permanent smile and a cheerful character. Wherever she was, people felt lucky to be by her side.
After South Sudan, I learned that she had gone on difficult assignments, like the one in Yemen. I can imagine that on this last one in Tigray she felt an enormous responsibility to respond to the needs of the people. She was a wonderful woman and a great humanitarian.”
Words from Ana de la Osada, who worked with María in South Sudan:
“‘You are going to go far at MSF.’ This is what I thought shortly after I started working with María in Juba, South Sudan. It had been a few months since she had started at MSF and she brought a lot of enthusiasm and energy in her backpack.
If there is one thing that I remember from that time, it is the car journeys every morning from our house to the office. To start the day with good energy, we created a playlist of songs to accompany us throughout the journey. If ever I didn't want to put the music on, there was always a "Come on, Osadilla!" from María to encourage me to play it, especially in the difficult times we went through due to the situation in the country. Pure energy and drive: that's how she was. Thank you, my friend.”
Words from MSF Colombia team:
“Those of us who knew her agree on the same thing: she was a person of infinite human excellence and a truly wonderful person, in the fullest sense of the words. María was supportive, empathetic, human, charming, generous, affectionate, professional, and she transmitted a sense of happiness, an enthusiasm for what she did and believed in and a unique joy. She was a shining light.”
Yohannes Halefom Reda
Yohannes was born on 3 November, 1991 in Mekele, Ethiopia, where he gained a Master's degree in public health while serving as leader of the Students’ Association. He was medical director of Samre hospital in southeast Tigray and worked for other international organisations before joining MSF in February 2021, when he became assistant coordinator of our Abi Adi project, which he helped set up.

Words from Helmer Charris, MSF project coordinator in Abi Adi until March 2021:
“For me, Yohannes was like my other half: he was always very conscientious, he understood the principles of MSF very well, and he maintained a certain serenity at all times, despite following with concern the evolution of the conflict in Tigray.
The most vivid memories I have of Yohannes are of his gentleness and serenity and his constant comments about returning to Mekele to marry his fiancée. He said that he would like us to be able to return to Tigray when it was a land of peace, to see all the wonderful things in the region, to admire its landscapes and, above all, to meet his family and his future wife. He hoped that the project in Abi Adi would only be temporary because, in the near future, peace was going to come to Tigray.”
Words from Momoh Sieh Turay, MSF logistician in Abi Adi until April 2021:
“Yohannes was an amazing man. I met him when he first started at MSF, when we were planning a needs assessment in the area to open the Abi Adi project.
He was a calm and respectful person, he liked what he did, he enjoyed the work. I remember him telling me: "I've worked for other organisations before, but now I feel like I'm learning." He never voiced any complaints. He was always striving to understand the needs of the people and what MSF could do to help. It is a tremendous loss for the organisation. I pray that wherever you are, you are happy.”
Yohannes was a brilliant and committed humanitarian who earned the respect not only of his colleagues but also of the people we served in every corner of Tigray.Mayur Kale, MSF project coordinator
Words from Mayur Kale, MSF project coordinator in Abi Abdi from March to April 2021:
“Yohannes was a brilliant and committed humanitarian who earned the respect not only of his colleagues but also of the people we served in every corner of Tigray. He passionately advocated that the population should receive free and accessible medical services and he worked hard to provide aid to the most remote areas.
In Abi Adi, together with other health staff and workers, he made an effort to restore the health system, which served a population of half a million. He worked hard to ensure that there was electricity in the hospital, to restore the mobile clinic network to improve access to medical care in outlying areas, to protect the ambulances that could be used for patients. Yohannes was always ready for everything and will always be with us.
He was a born humanitarian and believed in MSF passionately. As his supervisor, the last sentence I wrote in his evaluation was: ‘I wish you good luck in the future and I hope that we will meet again in the MSF world!’ Unfortunately, this cannot be the case. Going back to Abi Adi, ‘the great village’, will no longer be the same. The void and loss can only be filled by honouring his memory and continuing to work for those in need.”
Words from Igor García, communications advisor for MSF’s emergency unit:
“We spent hours interviewing men and women who had lost everything, often even their loved ones, who were sleeping outdoors with young children, struggling every day to have something to put in their mouths after being on the go for weeks or months, with the uncertainty of not knowing what the future would bring.
I remember the integrity and professionalism of Yohannes. I remember the silences, the looks of understanding, the gestures of empathy and, despite the difficulty of listening to his own people tell such harsh and horrific stories, Yohannes maintained his calm and an indestructible commitment to help humanise, put a face to, and explain, in the most faithful way possible, the consequences of a war unwanted by anyone and that caught everyone by surprise. Rest in peace, my friend.”
Tedros Gebremariam
Tedros was 37 years old and raised in the town of Abi Adi, in central Tigray. He was educated at Abi Gidi school before graduating from Abi Adi Technical and Vocational College in 2008. He joined MSF in May 2021 as a driver, a job he had held previously for various companies.

Words from Negin Allamehzadeh, MSF communications manager in Tigray:
“Tedros’ lifelong friend Haftom, also an MSF colleague, told us that as a child Tedros loved to play football and that, when they left school, what they liked most was collecting firewood, lighting a fire and cooking injera (a traditional Ethiopian flatbread). Haftom remembers him as wise and centered, and if you ever had the pleasure to meet Teddy - as all his friends called him - it’s easy to understand what he means. Teddy was a soft spoken and gentle person, with a generous spirit. When our team fist arrived in Abi Adi, all the businesses were closed, and Teddy volunteered his expertise and time to help us find parts and fix our vehicles so we could continue reaching rural communities to assess medical needs.
The eldest of two brothers, he was a focused and hardworking person. It was his interest in cars that led him to take his first job as a driver at a renewable energy company in Wukro, before he returned to Abi Adi to drive for Wegagen Bank. Eventually, he started his own taxi business for several years and it was in May that Teddy officially joined MSF as a driver, together with his younger brother, who joined the organisation as a security guard.
Teddy lived in Abi Adi with his wife and two daughters: an eight-year-old and a baby born less than three months ago. What Teddy most enjoyed was spending time with his family and his elderly mother. He was proud to be able to take care of his mother, who had worked hard in the market every day to support her two children. And he loved Bollywood movies, which he often watched after work with Haftom.
He treated everyone with courtesy and respect. This is how everyone remembers Teddy: peaceful, friendly, kind, and above all, generous. We all loved him. It hurts a lot to lose him.”