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Masafer Yatta
Jamla, a resident of Khirbet Al-Fakhit gathering, looks over the remnants of a shelter that her family built for guests. The shelter was demolished twice within a month between May and June 2022. Masafer Yatta, Occupied Palestinian Territories, August 2022.
© Juan Carlos Tomasi/MSF

Israel’s coercive measures undermine people’s health in Masafer Yatta

Jamla, a resident of Khirbet Al-Fakhit gathering, looks over the remnants of a shelter that her family built for guests. The shelter was demolished twice within a month between May and June 2022. Masafer Yatta, Occupied Palestinian Territories, August 2022.
© Juan Carlos Tomasi/MSF
  • Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) denounces Israeli policies in Masafer Yatta, in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and calls on authorities to bring an immediate halt to its eviction plan.
  • Our teams have witnessed first-hand the health impacts of Israeli authorities' coercive measures for residents in Masafer Yatta.
  • We call on the international community to ensure that human rights of people in Masafer Yatta are upheld.

Jerusalem/Masafer Yatta – Palestinians in and around Masafer Yatta face constant fear of eviction, seeing their homes demolished and having their movements restricted, among other intense challenges, in the southern West Bank of the Occupied Palestinian Territories

MSF calls on the international community to take urgent and necessary measures to protect the people of Masafer Yatta and to ensure that their human rights are upheld.

In a new report, The unbearable life: the health impacts of Israeli measures to forcibly evict the residents of Masafer Yatta, MSF sheds light on the extraordinary pressure applied by Israeli authorities to push local communities to leave the area and the impact of this on people’s physical and mental health

“If I lose my land, I lose my life,” says one resident of Al-Majaz village in Masafer Yatta, summarising how much is at stake for the affected communities.

Over the past year, we have witnessed first-hand the impact of the increasingly coercive environment on the physical and mental health of the people in Masafer Yatta. David Cantero Pérez, MSF head of mission in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

As well as the threat of eviction from their homes, residents live under constant threat of violence. “Soldiers enter villages at night, enforce curfews and other movement restrictions, conduct military training near living areas, confiscate vehicles and demolish homes,” says David Cantero Pérez, MSF head of mission in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. “They make life unbearable for residents.”  

The measures by Israeli authorities have intensified since May 2022, following a ruling by the Israeli Supreme Court that removed all legal barriers to the forced displacement of Palestinians from Masafer Yatta to make way for a military zone. This has had a severe impact on residents’ ability to access basic services, including medical care. 

MSF’s report reveals that patients are routinely denied access to villages where our teams provide medical services if their identity card shows they are from a different village. In other instances, ambulances trying to reach Masafer Yatta are delayed or even blocked and residents trying to reach hospitals are stopped at the checkpoints and face long delays.

Map-Masafer Yatta Access challenges
Map highlighting the obstacles that residents of Masafer Yatta face to reach healthcare facilities, including permanent and occasional checkpoints and gates. 

As a result, many residents report that the uncertain access to medical care in Masafer Yatta has forced medically vulnerable people – including pregnant women in their final trimester, elderly people with chronic health conditions and people with serious illnesses – to leave their homes and families for nearby Yatta city.

Coercive measures mean that residents live in constant fear for their safety and parents feel helpless to protect their children. One parent reported that their child had been woken in the night by an armed soldier and a dog entering their bedroom. Other parents described their feelings of despair and powerlessness when their children returned from school to find the family home had been demolished.

Living under such challenging conditions is taking a huge toll on people’s mental health. Our mobile teams have provided medical care, including mental healthcare, to residents of Masafer Yatta since 2021. We have seen a sharp increase in demand for mental health support among residents who have experienced home incursions and demolitions.

Following these incidents, more than half of our patients in 2022 reported psychosomatic symptoms; one-quarter of patients showed post-traumatic symptoms; and two-thirds described having depressive symptoms.

Masafer Yatta
Mahmud, a resident of Al- Markez gathering, looks upon the remains of his home, which has been demolished several times during the last few years. Masafer Yatta, Occupied Palestinian Territories, August 2022.
Juan Carlos Tomasi/MSF

“Over the past year, we have witnessed first-hand the impact of the increasingly coercive environment on the physical and mental health of the people in Masafer Yatta,” says Cantero Pérez.

“As a medical humanitarian organisation, we denounce the Israeli policies and call on Israeli authorities to bring an immediate halt to the eviction plan and to stop implementing measures that restrict access to basic services, including medical care, for Palestinians in Masafer Yatta. This unnecessary suffering must stop.”

MSF has provided medical and mental health services to the residents of Masafer Yatta via mobile clinics since 2021, and mental healthcare in Hebron governorate, which includes Masafer Yatta, since 1996. In this time, our teams have witnessed the impact of Israel’s coercive measures on every aspect of residents’ daily lives.

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Press Release 3 July 2023