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Refugees in Bosnia

Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

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Nearly 90 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced at the end of 2021, and over 100 million people are estimated to be displaced in 2022, according to UNHCR.

The number of people who have been forcibly displaced is now more than double the number 10 years ago, and the most since World War II. There are many reasons for flight, including war, persecution, conflict, natural disaster, destitution and repression.

With health and well-being jeopardized, the lives of the most vulnerable can be at risk. The majority are internally displaced people (IDPs), meaning they haven't crossed a border and have stayed within their country.

MSF teams work alongside people on the move at their points of arrival or during the treacherous journeys they undertake, inside and outside their countries.


Responding to food insecurity and malnutrition in northeast Uganda

Project Update 16 Oct 2008
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF intervenes in Haut-Uele province, DRC, to assist displaced people in Bangadi as violence escalates

Project Update 15 Oct 2008

Georgia - two months on, uncertainty remains for many

Project Update 13 Oct 2008
Democratic Republic of Congo

International community failing to provide adequate assistance and protection to the population in North Kivu, DRC

Statement 6 Oct 2008

MSF teams find villages completely flooded and population stranded with no help one month after cyclones

Press Release 3 Oct 2008
South Africa

Targets of xenophobia ousted from camps in South Africa

Project Update 2 Oct 2008

MSF sees surge in wounded and displaced as violence increases in Mogadishu

Press Release 2 Oct 2008

Ongoing violence in Chad jeopardizes MSF's humanitarian assistance to population

Project Update 2 Oct 2008

MSF ends emergency intervention in Lesvos island, Greece

Press Release 30 Sep 2008
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1 June 2018