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252 Results For "diabetes"
South Sudan

Activity Update, October 2015

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) employs more than 2,937 South Sudanese staff and 329 international staff to respond to a wide range of medical emergencies and provide free and high quality healthcare to people in need 18 projects in seven out of 10 states in the country and the Abyei Special Administrative Area. Project Update - 18 Nov 2015
Drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) Colony 3. Donetsk Ukraine

Termination of MSF support to MDR-TB programme in the penitentiary system after accreditation was cancelled on 19 October

The decision of the Humanitarian Committee of the self-proclaimed DPR authorities is leaving 146 patients without life-saving MDR-TB treatment and under those conditions MSF can no longer commit to resume activities in the penitentiary facility Colony 3 where the organization had been working since 2011. Project Update - 13 Nov 2015

Crisis Update – October 2015

Humanitarian response has so far been insufficient, concentrated in safer areas and short term. Recent cuts in funding have been increasingly affecting the level of assistance offered to Syrian refugees, displaced populations and host communities. Crisis Update - 11 Nov 2015
East Ukraine Conflict, Donetsk, FEB 2015

MSF strongly refutes false allegations levelled in the media by the Humanitarian Committee of the Donetsk People’s Republic

MSF strongly refutes the false allegations made in the media by the Humanitarian Committee of DPR regarding its medical-humanitarian activities. Statement - 26 Oct 2015
Refugees In Bapska, Serbia
Mediterranean migration

“The determination of the refugees to reach their destination is shocking.”

Interview with Jota Echevarría, MSF medical coordinator first in Hungary and Serbia and later in Croatia, who describes MSF activities since the beginning of its operations in Hungary. Voices from the Field - 15 Oct 2015
 MSF Mobile Clinics In Bapska, Serbia
Mediterranean migration

Thousands crossing the Balkans exposed to unnecessary suffering

MSF warns that thousands of refugees and migrants in the Balkans have been exposed to conditions that pose a real threat to their health as assistance fails to meet minimum standard.“The lack of basic services is already having an impact on their health, and the situation will only get worse this winter if adequate shelters, warm food and hygiene facilities at registration and transportation points are not rapidly provided," says Aurelie Ponthieu, MSF’s Humanitarian Adviser on Displacement. "We cannot wait for a dramatic event to happen, safe and adequate transit conditions, adapted to the coming low temperatures, need to be guaranteed now”. Project Update - 15 Oct 2015

MSF refused permission to work in Lugansk, leaving vulnerable people deprived of essential healthcare and medicines

“We find the decision unacceptable given the significant medical and humanitarian needs of people affected by the ongoing conflict in Lugansk,” says Dr Bart Janssens, MSF Director of Operations. “MSF has been one of the few international organisations providing vital assistance in Lugansk for more than a year. As in all conflict zones where MSF works, our only aim has been to help vulnerable people, no matter their political beliefs or which side of the frontline they find themselves on.” Statement - 25 Sep 2015

One year after fleeing violence, families in northern Iraq still live in uncertainty

“Many families are in need of humanitarian assistance and live in appalling conditions in unfinished buildings. Donors have started to turn away and people living outside of the camps continue to be neglected,” says MSF field coordinator Caroline Voûte. Between January and June 2015, MSF medical teams provided a total of 15,788 consultations to displaced people living in unfinished buildings around Zakho. Voices from the Field - 3 Aug 2015
Haemorrhagic fevers

crisis update - 17 July 2015

Though Ebola has faded from the news headlines, the epidemic in West Africa continues to claim lives today. Around 30 people become infected each week in Sierra Leone and Guinea – a number that would be considered a major disaster under normal circumstances – and the outbreak has recently reemerged in Liberia. Crisis Update - 17 Jul 2015
increased national health expenditure and health lost in the mix (02)

People’s needs, not country income, should guide development funding for health

Policies underlying international development aid by traditional donors, including the funding for health, are predominantly driven by the classification of countries according to their gross national income (GNI) per capita. Project Update - 10 Jul 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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