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252 Results For "diabetes"
Syrian Exodus

Syrian Exodus: "The day my village was bombed"

Airstrikes and clashes dominate daily life in Syria Project Update - 25 Jul 2013

From birth to death - Testimony of an MSF surgeon

US Surgeon Steve Rubin describes his work in one of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospitals in northern Syria, where MSF treats common health problems as well as injuries inflicted by the war. Voices from the Field - 23 Jul 2013

Testimony of a Syrian doctor

A Syrian doctor working with MSF explains the medical needs now that Syria is at war. Voices from the Field - 23 Jul 2013

Diabetes, shrapnel wounds and newborn twins

In Syria the number of people in need of urgent medical care keeps increasing. MSF runs six hospitals, four health centres and several mobile clinic programmes inside Syria. Project Update - 23 Jul 2013
Influx of Syrians into Domeez Camp, Iraq

MSF speech at the UN Syria donor conference

Speech delivered by Dr Mego Terzian, MSF president, at the UN donor meeting on Syria. Speech - 7 Jun 2013

New clinic brings comprehensive care to most vulnerable

MSF inaugurates a new clinic in Kibera South. The centre offers comprehensive basic healthcare to the most vulnerable populations in Nairobi. Press Release - 16 May 2013
Homeless in Milan

MSF provides care to homeless people in Milan

Project Update - 8 Mar 2013
MSF OCB Spokespeople

'The impact of the attacks is devastating'

'We’ve been working mainly in the Jabal Al-Akkrad region, which is fairly mountainous and close to the border with Turkey. While some of these areas haven’t suffered the same frequency and intensity of fighting as areas further inland, the situation remains extremely volatile and dangerous.' Interview with Katrin Kisswani, who headed MSF activities in northern Syria for two months. Voices from the Field - 4 Feb 2013
MSF Field Hospital Northern Syria

'A more oppressive type of danger'

British surgeon Paul McMaster is just back from Syria where he treated the wounded in an operating theatre set up in a cave and then a farm. Experienced in working in war zones, in Syria he found a ‘more oppressive type of danger’. Voices from the Field - 15 Nov 2012
Doctors Without Borders Teams Filling Gaps in Medical Aid for People Affected by Hurricane Sandy
United States of America

MSF filling gaps in medical aid for people affected by Hurricane Sandy

MSF teams, working alongside local community groups, are providing medical and mental health care to Hurricane Sandy-affected communities in the New York City boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, as well as Hoboken, New Jersey. The vast majority of the patients treated by MSF in the shelters and underserved communities have been elderly, homeless, or physically or mentally impaired. Project Update - 5 Nov 2012
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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