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110 Results For "Diarrhoeal disease"

Patience and distributions in Pakistan's flood zones

"I walked from Gul Bela, a village nearby to come here. I know that this distribution being held right now by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is for the community of Jala Bela. I heard people talk about it around a health center in my village that MSF has been supporting since displaced people arrived from the conflict affected areas. These women and I haven't registered our names but we are still hoping to get something, because our homes are completely destroyed, our men are sick from drinking bad water. The floods have left us with nothing." Project Update - 18 Aug 2010

Expanding assessments and assistance by MSF teams throughout Pakistan's flood zones

In addition to the expansion of its medical activities, MSF's priority is to provide clean water and improve hygienic conditions in order to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases, and skin infections. MSF teams are getting ready in case of a waterborne disease outbreak, such as cholera, however the situation is under control at this point. Project Update - 5 Aug 2010

Donor conference: Haiti must be given capacity to ensure access to medical care for its population

International aid must consider a direct financial support to the health system in Haiti. Decisions at the New York conference need to allow the Haitian health system to continue to address the population's immediate medical needs. Press Release - 30 Mar 2010

Cholera has 'burnt its way through' Zimbabwe villages

"The roads in the countryside were really bad; we sometimes had to struggle, even with a four-wheel drive. I would imagine how hard it was for people who only have a donkey cart to transport the sick to a health centre." Project Update - 17 Feb 2009

Water and sanitation essential in MSF response to Myanmar cyclone

Interview with Michel Becks, MSF water and sanitation advisor. Interview - 20 May 2008

More flooding in Mozambique adds to number of displaced

Some areas, like Chinde, have been so badly affected MSF is using a helicopter to assess the impact of the floods on local populations. Project Update - 22 Jan 2008
Democratic Republic of Congo

People are dying from things that are completely preventable

Violence in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has intensified since August 2007, displacing hundreds of thousands of people and creating major obstacles for people to access health care. Jane Coyne, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Head of Mission in DRC, provides an update of situation in North Kivu, and explains the toll that lack of basic health care is taking on the people of this region. Project Update - 14 Nov 2007
Central African Republic

'People are trapped in the middle of the conflict'

Since mid-2006 violence has dramatically increased in scale and intensity in the northern parts of Central African Republic - with grave consequences for the civilians who are caught in the crossfire of a number of armed groups.
More recently, the north-eastern province of Vakaga has also become caught up in violence. MSF was the first international aid group to be active in this very remote region bordering Chad and Sudan (Darfur). An interview with MSF's outgoing Head of Mission, Heinz Henghuber.
Project Update - 2 Jun 2007

Flood waters in Mozambique displace 120,000 people

MSF has decided to concentrate its operations in the south of the Mutarara district, in the area of Inhangoma, just between the two provinces of Sofala and Zambezia and in the Mopeia and Chinde districts, in the south of Zambezia province. Project Update - 22 Feb 2007

Returning to Galcayo, central Somalia

"It's not easy to provide care in an environment that's constantly changing, particularly from a security perspective. But we have shown it's possible, and I hope other organisations will follow suit" - Assistant Head of Mission Reshma Adatia. Project Update - 23 Jan 2007
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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